Awareness of Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF) is increasing.
People are becoming more conscious about the frequencies emitted from technological devices like phones, WiFi, computers, cell-phone towers, smart meters etc.
But underneath these superficial frequencies emitted from man-made devices emits over 30 different types of harmful EMR fields in our homes and workplaces including Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), Earth Radiation (Geopathic Stress), Bioplasmic Radiation (Human Generated) and Solar and Planetary Radiation imprints.
This episode with explores the subtle and powerful types of EMR and EMF thatḥumans are exposed to, and that you may have never even considered.
Health Practitoner Dylan Smith interviews Gerard Bini, the foremost Australian expert in the development of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) harmonizing products, as they reveal these
“hidden frequency fields” and how to mitigate them.
Gerard Bini, founder of Orgone Effects Australia and the foremost Australian expert in the development of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) harmonizing products, is a well-respected and internationally renowned Intuitive Building Biologist with 21 years’ experience and research into EMF beyond the normal.
Gerard has acute intuitive senses that have been honed over many years of practice.
Intuitive processes fully involves scientific protocols of multiple testing, double blind testing, surveys of experiments to track and neutralize different types of EMF fields to produce, over time, statistical data to back up the results of whatever we are testing. Not just an ‘in my own mind it works’ attitude. It is the knowledge base of Gerard Bini, an Intuitive Building Biologist and EMF Consultant, with his advanced

intuitive energy reading and dowsing skills developed over many years, that all contribute to the uniqueness and outstanding performance of all Orgone Effects® products, which are sold in over 20 countries around the world.
Measuring Solar Wind Speed
The solar wind is a stream of charged particles released from the upper atmosphere of the Sun, called the corona. This plasma mostly consists of electrons, protons and alpha particles with kinetic energy between 0.5 and 10 keV.
Gerard checks not only first thing in the morning but multiple times a day.
Very high/strong solar winds generate a geoelectric current through the ground of the earth, which is then radiated up out of the ground.
Strong solar wind speeds = 500km/second and upward.
Generates geo-electric current throughout the ground of the earth. can be 1.5m – 15m up the ground.
This radiation can cause a huge amount of geopathic stress in the body
Geopathic stress happens when energies emanating from the earth cause ill health in human beings.
Certain planetary arrangements like retrogrades can also lead to severe spikes in cosmic radiation, which has an impact on our physiologies.
Human Generated Radiation Imprints
When someone dies in a state of distress they will always leave a positively charged bioplasmic imprint.
Yogis that die by attaining maha samadhi only leave negatively charged bioplasmic imprints.
When you measure the energies in the crypts of ancient civilizations like native Australian tribes, you find that the energy is very harmonious and negatively charged.
On the contrary, when going to the local cemetery, the energies tend to be very positive and abrasive.
How to Measure The Radiations Accurately
Gerard is very fond of the Biotensor tool, which allows him to measure the Bio-field of a certain area.
He has mastered the discernment to intuitively look at a property and its surroundings and have an accurate feel of the bio-field of the land.
Negative charges tend to be beneficial for humans and positive charges tend to be more inflammatory and act in detriment to our health.
The Effects of Radiation in The Human Physiology
The Human Generated bioplasmic imprint left by previous land owners of a property can affect someone who is moving into a new house.
E.g. If a previous land owner had a chronic disease, the whole house but particularly the sleeping area will be charged with his/her bioplasmic imprint. If the new bed is placed in the same place, that imprint can affect the new owner and promote the emergence of the same disease in their own body.
There are hebenefitial geoelectric currents called Ley Lines.
In general terms, bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, seas & the ocean have negative charges that can be beneficial for humans.
If the solar winds are too high, these charges can be knocked down and turned positive (detrimental).
Fissure / water veins – affects the body via stress.
Creates a kinetic energy charge and a radiation field roughly about 4m wide.
How Ancient Cultures Harmonised Geo-Electric Stressors
Harmonisers of different types have been around for thousands of years.
In Autobiography of a Yogi, Sri Yukteswar gives Yogananda an astrological bracelet made of copper silver and gold which is a very well known form of a harmoniser.
Mantra chanting can also chant as a harmoniser because it can produce a negative or positive charge that can help cancel out other frequencies.
Smoking ceremonies done by native indigenous tribes also act as harmonisers.
Building Biology
Building biology is the science that investigates the health hazards in any built environment.
Mold, technological infrastructure, geopathic stress & 5G exposure are some of the most pressing issues that most buildings face.
Streetlights and their devastating relationship with 5G.
EMF Blocking Technology
It’s a very amateur Industry where a lot of production is being made without having proper science to back up the products.
Marketers are exploiting the market and putting as many products out there as possible and they are not effective.
Gerard started producing harmonisers almost 20 years ago and has refined the technology immensely to produce state-of-the-art harmonisers.
The Effect of Electronic Watches
They are pumping EMF straight into your bloodstream.
Being Conscious and Aware vs. Fearing EMF
It’s not a matter of falling into despair or becoming paranoid or fearful for these frequencies. That will only increase their detriment to your life.
It is more a matter of understanding and becoming aware so that we can take appropriate action to reduce their impact on our daily lives.
Gerard’s website – Orgone Effects Australia – HERE
Orgone Effects Australia’s Instagram (@orgoneeffectsaustralia) HERE
Bio-tensor – a traditional tool used by building biologists to show the charge of a field.
Related Episodes:
EMF, 5G & Building Biology | Nicole Bijlsma #019
Mould: The Hidden Stealth Fungi You Need To Know About | Dr. Jill Crista #030
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