Panchakarma is a methodical combination of taking herbs, treatments and adjusting diet and lifestyle to cleanse and renew the body. These treatments are hands-on, rejuvenating techniques that purge the physiological stress and toxins out of the body that cover the underlying natural state of perfect health residing in everyone.
The Process:
A certain internal environment has to be established to empower each cell to “remember” what it is like to be healthy. Each body treatment lowers metabolic rate, provides deep relaxation and an experience of total luxury. From here, the medicines and treatments will complexly adhere to toxins (Ama) in the deep tissues and dispose them in the GI tract to then be removed by the appropriate purification method – for example, enema or purgation.
Like the eye of a hurricane maintaining silence and calm as gale force winds swirl around it, establishing and maintaining a state of the deep transcendental calm allows the dynamic forcefulness of the medicines and treatments to work around this calm centre.
This state of deep and heightened internal awareness triggers a cascade of spontaneous healing on a deep cellular level where we banish our stress, fears, emotions and physiological cellular memories of illness.
What does a typical Panchakarma day at Vital Veda entail?
There is no “one size fits all” treatment in Ayurveda. Treatments are individualised and determined on the basis of each person’s constitution, state of health, daily schedule and budget. This will be determined during your initial consultation.
Firstly you see practitioner Dylan Smith for a short consultation to monitor how you are going and he prescribes the treatment plan for that day.
Morning treatments begin after seeing practitioner Dylan Smith for a short consultation to monitor how you are going and prescribe the treatment plan for that day.
¥ Foot Bath (Pada Prakshana) – keeping the feet in medicated water to initially relax and calm the body.
¥ Abhyanga – a rhythmic massage using medicated oils to help move toxins out of the body.
¥ Sweating Treatments – Pampering the body with warm herbal poultices (Pinda Sveda) or pouring medicated water over the body in a rhythmic manner (Parishek) will open up the pores to eliminate the toxins that have been collected.
¥ External Basti – A “well” made out dough is prepared to hold warm medicated oil over vital parts of the body such as the spine, knees, heart, liver, kidneys and more to nourish and release muscular-skeletal and organ imbalances.
Have lunch at home with guidance from Vital Veda’s recipes.
Afternoon treatments:
(can be included in with your morning treatment for those who prefer not to come into the clinic twice that day).
Takradhara or Shirodhara where medicated buttermilk or warm medicated oil is poured over the head in a rhythmic manner to pacify the mind, eradicate stress, damaging emotions, reminding the cells of perfect health and much more.
Once you have finished your series of Takra/Shiro Dhara’s, you may begin eye treatments where medicated ghee is held over the eyes to improve vision and reduce eye diseases.
By mid-afternoon you are allowed to rest by walking, meditating, listening to music or spending time with loved ones.
Light and early dinner with guidance from Vital Veda’s recipes.
Bed time treatment:
Your technician will come to your house to put you to sleep with a little oil application to the head + foot massage. Later in your PK program, you will additionally be having nourishing oil enemas to gently flush out the toxins that have been collected in the GI tract.
(bed-time treatment with a technician is optional as the patient can perform it by themselves).
Don’t our bodies digest and detox naturally?
The state of our digestion determines the state of our health. Our bodies are meant to eliminate toxins on a regular basis. The catch is, the detox pathway is the digestive pathway, and if digestion is poor, detoxification is hampered.
Over time, the inability to digest well and hence detox well causes toxins to accumulate in our individual “weak spots” (kavya-guna). This varies in each individual depending on genetics, lifestyles, diet etc. However, the typical places are the joints, lymph, liver, fats cells and in the brain. To restore balance, these accumulated toxins must be removed from the body and proper digestion and detox function must be restored. To go even deeper is to remove the root cause of the original stress – the behaviour, lifestyle or dietary patterns.
Is Panchakarma meant to be difficult/ challenging?
Mostly it is total bliss, relaxation and luxury when you are being pampered daily, a lot.
One uncomfortable aspect may be stress-release and emotions exiting the body, but this is a great outcome!
When is the best time to do Panchakarma?
When you can take time out to rest! When work and family commitments are minimal. When you can spend time away from screens!
Typically our senses are so overloaded with external stimuli that it keeps us from having a true experience of ourselves. Panchakarma turns the senses inside out to feel deeper parts of ourselves.
Perhaps the most important time to do PK is before conception, for both male and female. This is absolutely vital because the physiology of the sperm and ovum at the time of conception will be transferred to the health of the future offspring.
Duration: Panchakarma can go for 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 21, or 23 days.
At the Vital Veda clinic, we offer a range of non-residential Panchakarma packages to adapt with your home and work routine. It can range from doing short sessions coinciding with work that same day, or if you can take time off work and family/social duties immerse in a full schedule as demonstrated above.
Can’t get to the Vital Veda clinic for Panchakarma? check our free five-day DIY Vital Short Home Cleanse here.
Want to run away to India for the full blown immersion? go here for more information.
Time tested wisdom & an integrated healing community for you.
We pay our respects to the traditional custodians and caretakers of the lands on which we treat, teach, work and live. Vital Veda headquarters work on Bundjalung country which is now commonly known as Byron Shire, Northern Rivers NSW Australia. We also frequently work on Gadigal land, now known as Sydney, Australia. We recognise the traditional custodians have never ceded sovereignty and their culture remains strong and holds supreme wisdom for all of humanity to enjoy.
*This information and these statements have not been evaluated by the Therapeutic Goods Association or the Food and Drug Administration. This information and these products are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.
Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dylan Smith. This information is in no way to be construed as a substitute for consultation with a licensed health professional. It is not intended as medical advice. They are intended as sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dylan Smith and his community. Dylan Smith encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
© 2025 – Vital Veda. All Rights Reserved.
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