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The Vital Veda Podcast is a show for people who intend to live the most evolutionary life at their highest potential, while experiencing total wellness and bliss. Our host Dylan Smith brings you the most inspiring interviews with thought leaders and experts from around the world in the fields of health, spirituality, personal development and natural law.

This podcast covers an ever-expanding range of topics including yoga, meditation, spirituality, Ayurveda, sex and relationships, herbal medicine, health myths, conspiracies, alternative medicine, bio-hacking techniques, cosmic intelligence and dives deep into the Veda: knowledge governing the unity of the laws of nature and human consciousness.

Dylan Smith is an Ayurvedic practitoner, holistic health educator and exponent of Vedic wisdom. He is devoted to learning, sharing and radiating this profound knowledge for everyone to utilise and enjoy.

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Vital Veda Podcast Episodes:

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Shilajit Unveiled: The Myth, Magic, & Misuse of this Mountain Mineral Medicine | Dr Sumit Kesarkar & Vaidya Dr J.R. Raju #144

Shilajit—an extraordinary resin oozing from Himalayan rocks—is becoming a trendy supplement in modern wellness. But is it safe without proper knowledge? In this episode, Dylan Smith, Dr Sumit Kesarkar, and the Raju family of Ayurvedic doctors uncover Shilajit’s authentic origins, essential purification, and precise usage. Learn how to tap into its legendary healing potential—minus the risks.

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Barefoot Revolution: Unleashing Natural Performance | Steven Sashen #134

In this episode, Steven Sashen of Xero Shoes discusses the evolution of running shoes and their impact on foot health. He explains how modern shoes often exacerbate issues like plantar fasciitis and shares effective strategies for strengthening feet. We also explore the rise of natural footwear and its challenge to big brands. Tune in for valuable insights on foot health and minimalist shoes!

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Iron Deficiency Anemia? – Boost Your Iron & Ferritin Levels Naturally

The Ayurvedic Treatment & Understanding for Iron Deficiency Iron is a mineral that serves several important biological functions, its main one being to carry oxygen throughout your body via your red blood cells (1).  Iron deficiency or low iron has become the biggest mineral deficiency in the world. (3) About 20% of women, 50% of pregnant women, and 3% of men do not have enough iron in their bodies. (2)  Table of Contents Understanding a Full Blood Evaluation (FBE): What is Haemoglobin, Red Blood Cells, Transferrin, Saturation & Ferritin? Serum IronThe amount of iron in your blood. Serum Ferritin / Ferritin Your iron stores. The protein that stores iron and releases it into the bloodstream as the body requires.   Ferritin is only 30% of the iron stores, which is mostly in the liver but also in the bone marrow and spleen.(17) 65% of the iron stores are in the red blood cells (RBCs), and for that, we need to look a haemoglobin.   Note*: most standard doctors and health practitioners will solely look at ferritin without considering the other blood markers, which perhaps are more important than ferritin. Haemoglobin The body transports oxygen to cells via a protein called haemoglobin, which is mostly iron.Low iron levels mean you’re unable to deliver oxygen or energy to the cells of your body. This is called anaemia, which means “without oxygen.”Haemoglobin shows the quality of the blood, and perhaps the most important factor of a FBE. Iron transferrin saturation The delivery of iron to your tissues. Shows adequate entry of iron into the circulation. If it is too high, (from over supplementation for example), the iron gets trapped, ironically.Hepcidin: a hormone that regulates how your body uses iron, increases. This blocks iron entry into the circulation as a protective mechanism to not experience iron overload. Transferrin & Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC)These tests measure the amount of iron capable of being transported in the blood. It shows how much transferrin (a protein) is free to carry iron through your blood. If your levels are high, it means more transferrin is free because you have low iron. When iron stores are too much high, transferrin levels decrease.  Total iron binding capacity (TIBC) is an older test that is sometimes still performed by some labs.   Blood Testing for Iron – The Truely Ideal Functional Levels of Iron & Ferritin Remember, “normal” in standard blood tests is based on the “norm” or average of an unhealthy population.  Furthermore, conventional testing does not differentiate between pregnant women and non-pregnant people for ferritin! Which is ridiculous because pregnant women have a much higher dilution ratio as they have a lot more fluids during pregnancy, therefore don’t require as high levels as non-pregnant people. Ferritin: Average normal ferritin levels range from 12 – 300 nanograms per milliliter of blood (ng/mL) for males 12 to 150 ng/mL for females. (8) Most functional medical experts agree, the ideal ferritin levels are: 30 – 60 ng/mL (9) for non-pregnant people. 15-40 ng/mL in pregnancy trimester 2-3. Above 80-100ng/ml is dangerous (see high iron and hemochromatosis below), and below 20 is too low for non-pregnant women. Transferrin: 3-4 g/L (functional range). Iron Transferrin Saturation: 20-30% (functional range) Haemoglobin: Trimester 2 of pregnancy: over 105 Trimester 3 of pregnancy: over 100 Also consider co-factors of iron like copper (important for the iron transport into the cells) and magnesium.  Remember, don’t be totally bound, attached and governed by blood work results. Blood tests are only one part of the diagnosis process. There are other areas of health to be assessed by a quality health practitioner. Book a private health consultation with our team from Vital Veda. Symptoms of Low Iron Symptoms of anaemia include: Tiredness / fatigue – (don’t accept being tired and anxious) Weakness Low exercise tolerance or function Breathlessness Dizziness Low immunity Headaches Stomach pain Pale skin (in Ayurveda, the name for anemia is “Pāṇḍu” पाण्डु  which means “pale white”) Joint pain Cognitive decline Mood instability Anxiety Fast heart rate. (5, 6) Note, often these symptoms occur even when iron levels are still in the “normal range” of a blood test.   Low Ferritin & Iron Levels are associated with: (7) Thyroid conditions – You need iron to make T4. Low iron can leade to hypo or sluggish thyroid. For more information: Vital Veda Podcast #040 “Healing the Thyroid with Ayurveda” with Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes – for more information: Vital Veda Podcast #026 “Understanding Diabetes & Blood Sugar, Self-Management, Nutritional Flexibility & Chronic Disease Blessings” with Drew Harrisberg Stroke Fatty liver Cholesterol imbalances – for more information: Vital Veda Podcast #052 “The Great Cholesterol Myth | Dietary Fat Overview” with Dr. Jonny Bowden Obesity High blood pressure Heart conditions.   Root Causes of Low Iron Blood loss from heavy periods (menorrhagia) & hormonal imbalance This is the most common cause. The functional medical ranges for healthy menstrual blood loss is 40-80mg per month. That is about 5-6 heavy pads per cycle. Hormonal imbalance is caused by: Plastics – eating from and storing foods and drinks in plastic Emotional and mental imbalances Poor quality meat Dryness in the body more factors… Hormonal imbalance creates thick, uterine lining, which creates heavier period. High oestrogen can also cause heavy periods. This blood loss is driving the low iron. Don’t treat the heavy blood loss with the Mirena IUD or contraceptive pill. Understand the root cause. Those who are taking these band-aid approaches, don’t feel judged, but ask yourself: have you tried other options / treatments? Type of Meat you Consume Poor quality meat, which is majority of meat on the market can disrupt hormones and quality of blood. Digestive Disorders Including gut, microbial imbalances, food intolerances (which usually stem from poor digestion) and parasites.   The Relationship Between Vitamin C and Iron Vitamin C boosts the absorption of iron, so low Vitamin C levels may be a causative factor of low iron and ferritin levels. (10,11,12) Fruit, veggies and herbs to boost Vitamin C levels: Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry) –  learn all about this powerful medicinal fruit: “Amalaki (Embilica Officinalis): Uses & Benefits”   Anand Sid Yog (Nutritious Immune

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Honey – Nectar or Poison?

Honey, nature’s sweet nectar, was considered by the ancient Vedic sages as one of the most exceptional food items available to mankind. It constitutes unique medicinal properties par excellence. And all this certainly still prevails today, but only when used properly. In stark contrast, honey when heated is considered fatal and is classified as toxic poison. Not only did ancient Vedic sages clearly warn civilisations about this, but now modern science is proving ancient wisdom by confirming the toxicity of heated honey. I understand that these words condemning heated honey seem harsh, radical and perhaps rather shocking. But many sages (who are considered authentic authorities on the science of life that is Ayurveda) used these exact words for this topic. And by the way, this language was rarely used. I personally consider heated honey as the #1 Biggest Flaw in The Post Modern Era Diet. The Importance of Honey Honey is a medicine, not so much a food. Honey is only good in little quantities. This is “because of properties like difficult digestibility, dryness and astringency.”(1) If undigested, honey is very hard to eliminate out of the body. If it doesn’t eliminate, it lodges in the body as ama (undigested food material), which is the root cause of most illnesses. Ama clogs the channels of the body, obstructing metabolic activity, preventing nutrients from being delivered to cells and hampering proper waste elimination. “Nothing is as troublesome as the Ama caused by improper intake of honey.”~ Charaka, Ancient Sage. The Best Yogavahi (Catalyst) Which means it amplifies the properties of the herbs added to it.(2) The Chief Anupana (Vehicle of Administration) All herbs need a vehicle to effectively deliver it to the part of body that it is intended for. There are many Anupana’s such as ghee, milk, decoctions, water, sugar, wine and more. Honey is the main Anuapana in Ayurvedic medicine. Thus, the best way to get your regular dose of honey is to incorporate it into your regular herbal intake.(see below for other ways to take honey). Good for the Eyes Improves the eyesight. Very useful for itchy eyes, trachoma, conjunctivitis, glaucoma and other similar diseases.(1) Honey is an excellent ‘scraper’ – whether it be scraping undigested food material in the digestive tract, to then be eliminated, or the mature cataracts (when the lens of the eye becomes progressively opaque) to stop the growth of the membrane. It is to be used regularly internally but most effective when applied into the eyes via a specific Ayurvedic herbal preparation. (contact Vital Veda to order Netra Amrit Eye Drops). Heart Health Honey is wonderful for the heart. While it’s sweetness give pleasure to pacify the emotional heart, the scraping quality removes the ama that is blocking heart vowels and arteries. Heart Tonic Remedy – Honey + amalaki juice + lemon juice + mango juice + arjuna kashayam (optional). Honey Heals the Skin Topically applying honey to wounds(1), burns, cuts, skin diseases(1) and ulcers(1) is an easy home remedy to clean the area and hasten healing. Wound Healing Remedy – Mix some turmeric powder with honey to increase the antiseptic effect and stop bleeding(1). Topically apply on skin lesion. Digestion Honey is considered a boon for those with low digestion (Manda Agni). This is because it scrapes away the kapha coating on top of the pitta (kapha avarana). It helps with diarrhoea and regulates acid levels. It is a vital ingredient during Panchakarma when conducting purification treatments such as Basti (enema) and Vamana (emesis). Respiratory Health Honey is highly beneficial in the support of lung health and treatment of all imbalances of the lungs. Honey contains a mixture of “higher” alcohols and ethereal oil that emit soothing and beneficial vapours. Couple this with a combination of Ayurvedic respiratory herbs to breath at ease. Cough Honey soothes the inflamed mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and relieves irritating cough and symptoms like difficulty in swallowing. Honey is also one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods for inflammation anywhere in the body. Cough and Cold Home Remedy – Honey and spice paste.  Weight Loss, Obesity and Diabetes Honey is Kapha Nisaraka.“Sara” = Essence.“Ni” = Take away. Honey, with its astringent quality, in small amounts, takes away the essence of kapha. Kapha is the factor for fluids, excess fat and heaviness in the body.Another quality of honey is Stambhana (Stopping). Honey stops the overproduction of the bodily tissues. Weight Loss Remedy – Boil water at night. The next morning add 1tsp honey + 1tsp lemon juice to the room temperature water and drink first thing after brushing teeth and scraping tongue. Aphrodisiac and Ojas Booster Due to a sweet taste and sweet post-digestive effect, honey (when taken right) is one of the few foods that metabolises so well that it nourishes all the tissues and quickly and directly nourishes and builds Ojas (vital essence). Due to it’s yogavahi (catalyst) quality, combined with aphrodisiac herbs it is effective for low libido, premature ejaculation, low sperm count and reproduction. Ojas Builder and Immunisation for Babies – Swarna Prasha (honey + ghee + gold bhasma) – (available at Vital Veda clinic). Other benefits: “Madhu (honey) breaks up solidified materials inside the body, relieves thirst, mitigates kapha, poison, hiccup, bleeding disease, skin diseases, diabetes, worms, vomiting, difficulty in breathing, cough, diarrhoea; cleanses the ulcers, unifies fractures, heals wound.”(1) Ways to Take Honey: Incorporate into herbal preparations. By itself as a tonic – If you do not take herbs, you can take 1tsp of raw honey first thing in the morning. (Sweet should be the first taste of the day). Fruit + Honey – Drizzle honey on seasonal fruit. Honey + grapefruit is a great breakfast for weight loss. (make sure to eat the white pith of the grapefruit!). Yoghurt + Honey – Yoghurt is one of the heaviest foods available. Thus Ayurveda says “it should not be taken alone without, sugar, green gram soup, honey or amalaki”(3) to make it more easily digestible. Honey and yoghurt is a great snack.  Honey’s Poisonous Potential On the other hand, if one goes about heating honey, it can easily acquire a poisonous & toxic quality. When honey is heated past body temperature (37 degrees Celsius) it becomes poison. “100 litres of honey can be spoiled with 1 drop of hot water. Poison.” – Vaidya J.R.

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