Air Pods & Bluetooth Wearables – The New Death Sticks

Move over cigarettes, AirPods and other Bluetooth wearables are the new death sticks. Man, if they’re inserting into your brain, they may even be worse than fags.

The health ramifications of non-native electro-magnetic fields (nnEMF), including radio-frequencies (RF), are highly underestimated and snubbed although they are currently classified in Group 2B possible carcinogen to humans, with research beginning to shift them towards a 2A or Group 1 carcinogen.

Ignoring this prevails due to the fact you can’t see or feel these frequencies (unless you are hyper-sensitive). But the reality is cold in the science, nnEMFs are absolutely biologically active.

Many of you know this (although may remain ignorant to it), but let’s talk bluetooth specifically.

The problem with bluetooth is it emits very specific pulse radio frequency signals.

These have extremely short wavelengths (short = penetrating and damaging) which transmits with an extremely rapid rise and fall in times and distance (pulsation).

It turns out, the rate of change of these fields during the pulsation is what causes the most biological damage. Rather than the complete total energy that they deliver.

Pulsed radio frequency signals have been very well-studied (see the work of Dr. Robert O. Becker).

One of the implications of keeping nnEMF near your body is that it makes your blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeable. This allows toxins free entrance into the brain.
Furthermore, we know how important the gut-brain axis is. 
When your BBB is open, anything that happens in your gut is going to directly alter your water chemistry and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). 

So you think it’s just in your ear?

Understand that all the blood vessels in your body and in your brain then become electric wires that can send all this flickering information to places all over your body. Furthermore, your blood plasma is 93% water and has salt in it. This biological fluid of yours is a great conductor for all of these devices.

Add some metal implants from surgery or tattoos (heavy metal leeching) in the mix and your conducting these treacherous devices at greater rates.

Now let’s look at bluetooth headpieces specifically.

AirPods have been found to produce an average nnEMF significantly higher than other bluetooth/wired headphones and are constantly transmitting at these levels, even when they are not in use.

When you are wearing two AirPods this makes matters a whole lot worse. They cross communicate – the signal goes from your phone to one of the AirPods, then it sends the signal to the other one, straight through your 🧠 , brain.

So when good intentioned folk like yourself are getting these really weird diseases and doctors don’t know why it happens, it’s because they fundamentally don’t understand how pulsed microwaves interact.

When you do go to the doctor and the doctor can’t figure out why all of a sudden under your Apple Watch, Fitbit, AirPods or bluetooth headphones you have got this allergic reaction, underachieve thyroid, leaky gut, cancer or an auto-immune condition, it’s because docs aren’t taught this stuff in medical school. This is the domain of physics. That’s why it’s important to cross-pollinate physics and biology.

This is why 250+ scientists made an international appeal to the UN and WHO warning about the dangers of AirPods and other wireless devices.

I know, Bluetooth and mobile technology can make us more productive. There are positives to this technology and I enjoy them. The problem is we’re not being told how it’s destroying the cell architecture and how it can affect our medical problems.

45mw is like an Antenna Inserted Into Your Brain

IEEE (the world’s largest technical professional organisation) standards recommend the safe peak exposure rate of a human should be less than 0.08 W/kg.(1)

This is based on the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). SAR is the power of absorbed RF wave per unit mass of tissue. Ie. how much electric fields polarise the molecules in human body when human tissue near a nnEMF device absorbs the power of the RF signal.

This level of 45mW sure ain’t helpful for your temporal lobe. It’s like having antennas in your brain.


Ditch the Suicidal Pods (slow suicide), don’t even gift them to someone, and get yourself Air Tubes.

Air Tubes are copper infused wired headphones with hollow air tubes that turn electric signal into EMF-free acoustic signal with high stereo sound quality.

Other Ways to Protect from nnEMF


More Studies on the Health Impacts of nnEMF:


  1. P. Bernardi et al., “Specific Absorption Rate and Temperature Increases,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, 48, 7, (2000).
  2. 2. Post Inspired by Dr. Jack Kruse and seeing too many people walking around with death stick in their ears.
  3. Cell Phone Radiation: Harmful or Not?, Di Lu, June 9, 2012, Stanford University.


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