FLUORIDE: One of the most pernicious toxins!
But people don’t quite fully understand it and thus are confused which results in people not averting the dangers of fluoride.
Learn the cold hard facts and science and understand the situation occurring in one of your life basics, your water supply!
Fluoride is a sensitive and controversial topic, but it is also confusing for people because they hear so many different things.
That is why we need to get definitive.
And by the end of this episode, I hope you are definitive about your view on fluoride.
We are not going to tell you what to do, what water to use.
We are going to give you the cold hard science and the cold hard facts. You have a right to know about the industrial systems that are providing society.
Then, you can go ahead and make an INFORMED decision on what you, your community, your children, your animals – drink and bathe in.
Merilyn is a co-founder of Queenslanders for Safe Water, a group which holds concerns about adverse health effects of water fluoridation and the issue that it is unethical mass medication.
Merilyn is now retired, but worked for over 30 years as a medical laboratory scientist in both the government and private sectors.
She first became concerned about water fluoridation many years ago when a close relative health suffered from water fluoridation.

Merilyn has played a major role in removing fluoride in water supplies across the state of Queensland by educating governments on the issue so that they themselves formally reject fluoridation.
Queensland Interventions:
When mandatory fluoridation was being introduced to Queensland in 2008, Queenslanders for Safe Water regularly contacted each Queensland MP and sent them many scientific publications and articles on fluoridation.
When state-mandated fluoridation was overturned end of 2012, Queenslanders for Safe Water then started contacting every Councillor in every Qld Council with information.
Merilyn, along with a medical colleague gave presentations to a number of Qld Councils.
There are now 29 Qld Councils which have formally rejected fluoridation.
What got Merilyn into being an activist
My sister suffered severe and distressing dermatitis when she moved to fluoridated Townsville – then one of the few fluoridated towns in Qld.
Being such a controversial and heated topic, and I thank you for being on the front line here, What Hurdles or friction have you suffered?
Defamation and verbal abuse – mostly from a very senior Qld Health Dentist who is the Qld govt appointed lobbyist for forced fluoridation.
At public meetings I have both inferred I am a liar, or outright called a liar by this dentist. On radio and he has claimed that I make up statistics. In newspaper articles, I and other activists opposed to fluoridation are referred to as nutters, flat earthers, conspiracy theorists, extreme fringe groups and anti-vaxxers.
Types of Fluoride
It’s not just one chemical. It’s not just a simple yes or no. It’s not B&W.
- Calcium Fluoride occurs in nature and naturally found in the body. However, high levels in water cause devastating dental and skeletal fluorosis and other damage in a number of countries.
- We do point that the most common fluoride chemicals deliberately added to drinking water do not even occur in nature (Sodium Silicofluoride and Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) but are created from the fluoride waste captured in the smokestacks of phosphate fertiliser plants.
- Silicofluorides have never been tested. They don’t clean them up, they have heavy metals in them.
- These chemicals have never properly tested for safety: “Fluorosilicates have never been tested for safety in humans.” ~ Dr. Hardy Limeback, BSc, DDS, PhD
- Liquid Hydrofluorosilicic Acid used in NSW or Victoria comes from the Incitec Pivot fertiliser plant in Geelong.
- In West Australia it comes from the Wesfarmers owned CSBP fertiliser plant. Hydrofluorosilicic Acid is extremely dangerous and extremely corrosive and has to be tankered in special rubber lined tankers. It comes directly from the fertiliser plants to water treatment plants.Videos show it burning through concrete at a concentrated level. And at a diluted level, what do you think it’s doing on a cellular level?
- Sodium fluoride is usually added to water in smaller rural towns because it comes in smaller bags. Sodium fluoride was the first chemical to be used to fluoridate water, it was originally from the waste fluoride left over from Aluminium smelting – but then they moved mostly to the Silicofluoridesfrom phosphate fertilisers.
- Sulfuryl Fluoride– another kettle of fish that most have never heard of. It is a termite fumigant allowed to be used in America and Australia. In Australia, its use is allowed with certain foods – all whole grains, all whole nuts, all dried fruits. Much higher levels in food allowed than in water, but no follow up testing is done to see how much fluoride is in foods. –
- The fluoride added to toothpaste pharmaceutical grade; water fluoridation chemicals are industrial grade and are allowed to contain small amounts of heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury.
Why was Fluoride Initially Added to Water and Why Does it Continue to Be? – Most countries in the world DO NOT fluoridate!
Fluoridation is an American idea that started in the US in the 1940s when World War 2 was still raging.
In the 1920s in America a dentist was working for an aluminum company called ALCOA in Colorado investigating whether Aluminium in water was causing ugly brown stains on teeth.
At the time aluminum saucepans were suspected of causing cancer. It was discovered that it was actually fluoride in water that caused the bad stains (now known as dental fluorosis).
Some years later there was an association made with higher fluoride levels in water and less tooth decay.
It was not investigated whether higher levels of calcium or other minerals in the water were responsible for less decay.
An executive of ALCO resigned his position and went to work for what became the US Public Health Service, where he successfully lobbied for the introduction of fluoridation.
A ten-year trial was started, after 5 years, even though children born at the beginning of the trial had not even yet received their permanent teeth, the trial has declared a success and fluoridation was rapidly forced on many USA communities.
ALCO had found a market for its waste fluoride by supplying Sodium Fluoride to water treatment plants.
Previous to that Sodium Fluoride was in general use only as an insecticide.
Fluoride was a by-product from the pesticide and aluminum industry and needed to be disposed of as hazardous waste, and it is very expensive to dispose hazardous waste.
By adding fluoride to drinking water, phosphate fertiliser manufactures get paid for their fluoride waste, they don’t have to pay to dispose of what would be toxic waste. It would be very expensive to dispose of fluoride as a toxic waste.
Usually, they add fluorosilicic acid. An acid where sodium fluoride or other mixtures and forms. This is synthetic and plenty of studies show the harm of this.
Australia was an early follower of this USA practice, with Beaconsfield in 1953 being the first town in Australia to fluoridate.
Most countries in the world have never adopted fluoridation, only 5 % or less of the world’s population fluoridate their drinking water, – which means 95 % of the world’s population do not.
Most countries in Europe don’t fluoridate water, however, a few counties allow the sale of fluoridated salt (for personal use only).
Although the WHO advocates fluoridation, a large majority of the countries that are members of the WHO do not fluoridate their drinking water.
Britain fluoridates, but only 10 % of it’s population.
London doesn’t fluoridate, neither does Paris, Rome, Berlin, Amsterdam etc, etc.
China does not fluoridate – however, almost all the Sodium Silicofluoride added to Australian water is imported from China.
There are 193 countries that are members of the World Health Organisation (WHO)– 168 of those 193 WHO member countries don’t do water fluoridation!
Israel was a fluoridating country, in 2014 Israel ended fluoridation after nearly 35 years of fluoridating, with Health Minister citing health concerns.
There are more people in the USA drinking fluoridated water than the rest of the world put together.
Mining phosphorus (bones) released a by product of fluoride. Then they dumped it in different locations but the problem is after dumping it caused dead zones – dead water or land.
They say it is for our dental health. To prevent dentist visits and save money.
Cholera Epidemic in the UK
London’s Soho district were falling ill in large numbers in the 1850s. They developed explosive diarrhea which was watery and white and it never stopped. Each patient would produce 20 liters of stools per day which was dumped in the cesspools below their cramped houses in Soho. They all had cholera.
Dr. Snow never was able to culture cholera from the water supply because we did not have the ability to do such things in the 1850’s. His work led to the disabling of the water pump and he went on to chlorinate the Broad Street pump. This is how water sanitation took hold in all of Britain late in the 19th century. This is where water fluoridation ideas first got its foothold.
Mass medication– treating ALL people – all ages, all body types.
Once they learn this ability and procedure of putting this chemical in the water supply, they may put other waste products into water like – lithium to decrease manic depression or statin drugs to deal with cholesterol.
Once you start something like this, where do you stop?
This form of Mass Medication violates two principles of medical ethics:
- The principle of controlled dose -can’t control how much water people drink
- The principle of informed consent to medication
Since when does the government care about our health and want to medicate us? – Specifically our dental health.
How to truly address dental health as a collective nation.
Techniques and education.
Chemicals cocktails are synergistic
Exposure to a mixture of chemicals is far more harmful than exposure to individual chemicals.
It significantly increases all sorts of biological effects.
Ayurveda says the same with bhasmas: Metallic preparations as medicine in Ayurveda. Synergising different bhasmas changes the therapeutic action.
Fluoride + aluminum becomes an endocrine disruptor – that means it disrupts hormonal signals.
Aluminofluoride complexes– With the appearance of acid rain and the use of aluminium in industry, there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of uncomplexed aluminium in ecosystems.
- The cause of dialysis encephalopathy / dialysis dementiaor dementia in renal failure patients. (Alfrey et al. 1976; Meiri et al. 1991). Speech disorders precede dementia and convulsions. The mode of death has been reported as sudden cardiac arrest usually associated with acute pulmonary oedema (Elliot et al. 1978).
Lead + fluoride = neuro-toxic effect.
Use of chlorine in tap water. Use it to disinfect, it takes away a lot of pathologies. That makes sense.
But don’t drink the chlorine.
Fluoride, on the other hand, doesn’t have a place in water.
Chlorine reacts with metals and causes a carcinogenic by-product.
Fluoride related harm and health implications
Fluoridated water brushes past teeth for a few seconds when drinking, water is swallowed and the fluoride is absorbed from stomach and intestine. Then the health complications occur.
Dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis
First stages can mimic arthritis symptoms, people who have kidney dysfunction will accumulate more fluoride in their bodies (bones, tendons).

Pathology of Dental Fluorosis and Skeletal Fluorosis:
Dental fluorosis in your teeth and bones. You see it in your teeth. White patches on the teeth = toxic levels of fluoride.
- Fluoride bonds to the phosphorus in the appetite of the bones as readily as calcium does, since fluoride, like calcium, is a double bond electrical charge.
- Your body kind of thinks it’s calcium and deposits it in the bones and teeth.
- When it gets in the teeth it’s kind of like calcium.
- Dental industry thinks this is good because it’s like a hard shield on your teeth, it’s harder than calcium. But a shield can chip and break easily. You want a more flexible and dynamic shield.
- This idea was sold to dentists. Teeth can chip and break.
WHO dental health data over the last 50 years shows that child tooth decay has decreased just the same in non-fluoridated as in the few heavily fluoridated countries (Australia is heavily fluoridated).
One quarter of 11– 12-year-olds in NSW fluoridated areas have Dental Fluorosis
* 2007 NSW Child Dental Health Survey
Dental Fluorosis
- 58% of adolescent adults have dental fluorosis (most recent, 2017). This is not just a cosmetic blemish (as proponents tend to think), it is a signal and a bio-marker that something metabolically is going on with fluoride. We are getting too much fluoride.
- When fluoridation was started, only 10 – 15% of the public would get dental fluorosis, and it would be hardly noticeable, not significant at all.
- 41% of adolescent adults had dental fluorosis (a few years ago).
- 20% have moderate fluorosis. – Way too much.
- 2 % have severe fluorosis in the US. This is not fair for that 2 %!
Does Fluoride Prevent Dental Decay?
There are studies that show topical fluoride helps reduce dental cavities. However, this treatment of topical fluoride is indicated in two kind of people:
- People who developed cavities from radiation – Those who have had a lot of X-ray to your head or cancer, using fluoride toothpaste will be beneficial.
- Rampant dental cavities – When you are eating to much junk food, sugar and not cleaning your teeth. A bit of toxic chemical fluoride on the surface on your teeth will reduce the cavity a little, but it’s not going to fix it. Better change your diet (the root cause). And brush your teeth.
Abnormality of the mouth microbiome (product of gut microbiome).
Some cultures like Korea, 98% don’t have a cavity. They have not disrupted their microbiome.
Drinking fluoride for dental health is like eating sunblock to protect your skin for the sun.
Allergic type symptoms such as dermatitis, skin rashes, migraines, GI pain.
Osteosarcoma in young men
It clearly has a role in mental effects and is a known neuro-toxin.
Currently, the National Toxicology Program in USA is underway to demonstrate evidence that will possibly legally classify fluoride as a neuro-toxin.
Fluoride is used in anti-depressants like Prozac – which has 30% fluoride.
The world is facing a “silent pandemic” of “chemical brain drain” with increasing rates of neurodevelopmental disabilities, including autism, attention- deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, and other cognitive impairments
Fluoride is a known neurodevelopmental toxin .
More than 50 studies on human link fluoride lower IQ. Reduction in children’s IQ.
- There is a large body of work showing fluoride exposure can impair cognitive function in animals.
- There is recent research linking fluoride ingestion by pregnant mothers to lowered IQ in their offspring.
- The US government halved the fluoride recommendation in 2015 after seeing the research related to IQ.
- Infants are getting a dose that is 10 – 100x more than they should have even by the conservative EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) of USA recommendations.
- 80% of children up to the age of 3-4 are getting significantly more fluoride than they should.
- Was 0.06 mg/day – but the EPA raised the norm because it was so prevalent in our lives.
Children compared to adults kids have:
- Higher food, fluid and air intake /kg
- Higher absorption and metabolic rate
- Immature immune and detox systems
- More exposure to the ground
- More hand to mouth behaviour
- Longer latency period to develop diseases
Very dangerous during pregnancy.
- 5mg of fluoride tablets are contraindicated during pregnancy. This is the equivalent to 500ml of water.
- Because Fluoride is a Teratogen – it is a chemical that destroys life as it is forming during the embryo stage.
According to the largest ever study on Fluoride:
If a pregnant woman exposes her unborn baby to fluoride, there is a significant decline in IQ later in life.
(Bashash, Thomas, Hu et al, 2017, Environmental Health Perspectives)
Bottle fed babies get a much larger dose than breastfed babies –
Breast milk has only a minuscule 0.004 ppm fluoride*
*Source for amount fluoride in breast milk – 2006 National Research Council ( NRC ) “Fluoride in Drinking Water”
If you add NSW fluoridated water 1.0 ppm ( = 1.0 mg/l) to powdered infant formula, the water you are adding contains 250 times more fluoride than what babies would ever get from breast milk (1.0 ppm divided by 0.004 ppm = 250 times).
This at a time when their brains and the blood-brain barrier is still forming
Did nature make a mistake not having 1mg /L fluoride in breast milk?
De-calcifies the pineal gland
Pineal gland – deep in the center of a brain is a gland the size of a grain of rice.
Essential role on how we sleep, make decisions, perceive reality, light meditator – hormone secretor and related with circadian rhythms.
- Fluoride accumulates there
- Results in reduces the gland’s synthesis of melatonin.
As of June 2018, a total of 60 studies have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence, and over 40 studies have investigated the relationship fluoride and learning/memory in animals.
It was used in Nazi Germany to put into the water because it calcifies the pineal gland – which governs your individuality, free will, intuition and sovereignty.
In 1950 major George Jordan of the US Airforce testified it was used in the water supply in concentration camps.
- May reduce thyroid.
- People with Hypothyroidism – should absolutely stop fluoride water.
- Early 20thCentury – Sodium Fluoride used by European & South American doctors to reduce thyroid activity in patients with overactive thyroid ( Merck Index 1968 )
Energy levels
- Fluoride is a dielectric blocker (well known).
- It impairs and inhibits your body’s ability to take the energy from the sun and convert it into energy for your mitochondria to use to produce ATP.
- Decreases light energy in the water that you can use to make a battery, and generate a charge in you.
- You are shutting down your body ability to make energy.
- Tired, fatigue.
- Every sub-cellular component, particularly mitochondrial action is destroyed.
Hardly any health professional studies molecular biology. They are unaware of how mitochondria work.
Fluoride is a metabolic mitochondrial poison, thus it contributes to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease like alzheimers (and we have an epidemic of alzheimers coming).
Bioaccumulation over the lifespan –chronic disease.
It is very hard to remove Fluoride from the body
We only get rid of 50% of fluoride over a 24 hour period.
It is hard for the kidneys to detoxify the fluoride.
The PEW leaked document
A petroleum fracking company that delivers advice to people on marketing toxic waste for fluoridation.
“Opponents are likely to win if the dialogue is trapped inside this message wheel.”

Ingesting Fluoride
The big problem is swallowing it.
Although you can get fluoride for free from your water, fluoride is a prescription drug. FDA wouldn’t even approve it due to no efficacy.
Steam Rooms / Hot Showers
- Turning volatile compounds into a gas (vapour).
- You are inhaling that and it goes into the blood and brain.
- Pores are opened up.
- Chloroform gas in a sealed room.
- Trans-dermal penetration.
- Reduce times in the bath tubs when pores open up more.

Get a filter or BE the filter
“People would rather laugh at the fable of the water they are not drinking than honestly face the sobering reality of the water they are drinking.”
Visha Kanyas (Venomous Virgins)
Fluoride Action Network – Biological Effects and Studies on Fluoride.
Restructure Your Water – (mentioned Vital Veda for a discount)
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