With the recent heat caused by Robert De Niro’s controversial anti-vaccine documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up To Catastrophe being pulled out of the Tribeca Film Festival, interest and suspicion has stirred up in the pharmaceutical vaccine industry.
So in due course, I will share with you an Ayurvedic way of immunisation.
Vaccinations are a very sensitive topic. I will not blab on about the pharmaceutical industry, only briefly talk about some of the science associated with vaccinations.
What Is Actually In A Vaccination?
Take away the propaganda, take away the new age jargon – just look at the science. Lets look at some of the ingredients of most vaccines:
- Formaldehyde (well known-carcinogenic)
- Aluminium (extremely toxic, known neuro-toxin)
- Thimerosal is a Mercury containing preservative
- Anti-Biotics
- Egg Protein – many vaccines are prepared using chicken eggs.
- Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
- other heavy metals, unknown elements, germs that were not intended to be there.
These are put into a baby who has a weak and vulnerable immune system. This is further dangerous because injections bypass portals of immune defence to penetrate deeper into the body.
If you were to take a bottle and fill it with these ingredients and give it to a baby to drink, you could be charged with murder.
Vaccines Are Not 100% Safe
Contrary to what the government would like us to believe, vaccines are not 100% safe.
For example, from 1989 to 2011, the pharmaceutical industry paid out $2.3 billion a year for vaccine injuries.(1) In 2011, the Supreme Court of USA passed a law protecting pharmaceutical companies from all liability related to vaccine injuries, even if the vaccine could have somehow been made safer.(1)
In one study, published in the Journal of American Medicine (JAMA) in 2004, the influenza vaccine was linked to a life-threatening condition called Guillain-Barré syndrome.
The Hepatitis B vaccine – which is given to newborns within 12 hours of birth – has been linked to liver cell destruction and accelerated cell death.
While government bodies and medical associations insist this is necessary, Hepatitis B is only spread by blood or intimate contact with body fluids from someone infected, and mothers are always screened during pregnancy.
“We have just witnessed yet another example of the power of corporate interests censoring free speech, art, and truth.”
Taking these isolated studies and claiming that vaccinations are completely unsafe is also way out of context when considering the benefits and immunity they provide to millions of people worldwide.
I’m not against the principle of vaccinations, just make sure they give clean vaccinations! I’m against uninformed decisions.
My Suggestions If You Are Going to Vaccinate
Reduce or Spread Out Doses For New Borns
The high amount of vaccinations starting as early as six months old up to six years old may be way too overwhelming for the immune system.
Remove Potential Toxins from Vaccines
Perhaps the most dangerous outcome of the Supreme Courts ruling to hold harmless the pharmaceutical industry from vaccine-related injury is the subsequent lack of motivation to improve the vaccines and use more natural ingredients.
Ask your pediatrician to order vaccines without mercury or other toxic substances commonly found in vaccines. More of these are coming onto the market. Europe took mercury out of the vaccines, the UN is advocating to have it out, Australia has removed it for under 5 year-olds, USA still has it.
Additionally or as a Replacement, Administer Ayurvedic Immunisation
The Ayurvedic immunisation I am about to reveal to you is important to boost your baby’s immunity if they are being vaccinated. This will (to some extent) protect your baby from the dangers of vaccines.
However, this Ayurvedic immunity booster for babies and children plus proper diet and lifestyle regimen will boost the child’s immunity so adequately that there is very little to no need for vaccinations at all.
Pusya Drops
Ayurvedic Immunisation
This Ayurvedic immunity booster also helps build the tissues of babies and children. A precious and potent formula of rare herbs. Can be given until the child’s teenage years. Please consult an Ayurvedic practitioner who knows about this knowledge.

Administering Ritual
The father or mother is to give this to the newborn as soon as possible (but no hurry) after the baby has come out of the womb. Then continue the rest of the essential practices for the infant such as:
- Bathing (if you didn’t already bathe the infant before administering the tonic).
- Breastfeed within the first hour (max. four hours) after exiting the womb.
- Oil massage – All over the baby’s body. Ideally using medicated Ayurvedic oils like our Ayurvedic Baby Massage oil. Cold-pressed coconut oil is also fine.
- Whisper Baby Mantra – A primordial sound you whisper to the baby to immediately resonate and calm their physiology. This communicates to the baby “don’t worry, you’ve arrived into a Vedic family, you will be enlightened, we will give you knowledge for enlightenment. You will once again unify with totality. Relax, you can be a baby now.” – contact your local Vedic Meditation teacher to receive and be taught about the Baby Mantra.
- Wrap Baby in silk or muslin cloth completely, especially ears. Only expose eyes and nose.
Full Post-Natal Care Regimen HERE
How Often To Administer Ayurvedic Immunisation
1-3x as soon as possible after the baby exits the womb. Even within 12-14 hours after birth is also beneficial.
After that, it can be given to the baby once a month on the Pushya Nakshatra (an astrological constellation occurring about once a month). If you administer an Ayurvedic tonic once a month for up to 12 years old this provides a powerful immunisation for life. These herbs can even be given until the child is a teenager.
Even if you missed out on the first dose right after birth, you can even start at the age of a toddler.
These herbs are for your baby using the finest and precious ingredients and preparation method.
Have you ever tried any Ayurvedic immunity booster for your babies or children? Comment 👇
This information is not intended to supplement any treatment plan for babies, children or anyone. This information is solely for educational purposes about traditional Ayurvedic medicine.
What is your opinion on immunisations?
Please comment below.
- Alternative Therapies Journal. Editorial. Vaccines: Both Sides of the Coin. July/Aug 2015. Vol 21, No.4. Alternative-Therapies.com