There is a lot to say about the innate immune system and how we can use Ayurvedic herbs and other simple activities to optimise it.
It is important to holistically consider all the body’s systems.
For example, optimising digestion is tremendously important so that our system can naturally metabolise any toxin, pathogen, virus or bacteria that may enter the body as a hazard.
Optimising sleep so your body can regenerate is another crucial immune-boosting consideration.
In regards to the herbal intervention for immune support, here are seven of my favorite Ayurvedic herbs to boost immunity:
Like with all herbs, we recommend taking Amalaki in the form of a formula. Two of our favourite formulas that contain Amalaki (Indian Goose Berry) are:
1. Anand Sid Yog (“Nutritious Immune Boosting Bliss”):
It promotes bala (vital strength), which helps the body fight back disease. It is useful to boost immunity in life-threatening diseases as well as the common cold. This is certainly one of the best ayurvedic herbs for immunity due to its capacity to enhance overall vitality and to help prevent disease.
This herb contains a combination of antioxidants that support each other synergistically to create a magnified anti-oxidant effect.
Anand Sid Yog (ASY) is a free-radical scavenger and helps prevent free-radicals from forming in the first place.
One of the main ingredients is Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry), which has about 10-20x more vitamin C than an orange has been extensively studied by modern science for its immune-boosting properties.
You can read more about the benefits of Amalaki on immunomodulatory activity HERE
2) Maharishi Amrit Kalash:
This formula is a potent combination of 40 ayurvedic herbs that work synergistically to offer multiple health benefits like strengthening immunity, detoxification, preventing premature ageing. It is a full spectrum antioxidant and nourisher.
It helps balance the three doshas, detoxify the body, promotes bala (vital strength) and helps cultivate Ojas.
This formula is also well known for improving organ functioning and lowering stress, amongst other things.
The dynamic activity of your epidermal layer (superficial skin enclosure) is your biggest organ and your body’s first level of defense against any intruding organisms, chemical or physical agents, and/or radiation.
Your skin is also a pathway that allows you to directly interact and stimulate your nervous system.
One essential way to optimize your skin physiology is self-abhyanga. The effects of this massage are magnified when using a medicated oil as these herbs pull toxins more effectively from out of the skin and tissues and also very effectively strengthens them.
Read more about your elegant epidermis and how to optimize skin health HERE.
Most viruses and unwanted bacteria are air-borne.
A daily routine in Ayurveda called Nasya, involves sniffing a specific oil up the nose.
This enhances the bio-film in the lining of the nostrils which is the “security gate” to your brain and respiratory tract.
I can’t stress how crucial this is in the time of the pandemic and shedding of spike proteins.
We recommend using only finely procured Ayurvedic nasal oils like Nasika Oil.
This is a powerful combination of precious herbs concentrated into oil form to add into your water and drink.
Simply add a couple of drops in a cup of hot water, inhale the sea then drink the nectar.
Made by the Raju family, Siddha Jal helps to:
Clear polluted or blocked respiratory channels
Blockages in the food channels and digestion
Allows the herbs to penetrate the subtle channels of the body
Enhances the effect of Nasika oil to penetrate
+ more
Propolis is what makes a beehive literally one of the most hygienic places on earth.
It comes from the Greek word “Propolis” (Pro meaning “in defense” and Polis meaning “city”) which therefore means “to protect the city.”
This sticky force field keeps out bad bacteria, mold, other insects, viruses and more.
I love to use a couple of squirts on half a teaspoon of bee pollen a couple of times a day.
Studies show Propolis Extracts by Nativebeeings (Native Australian bees) has 70% higher bio-activity levels than honey bee propolis.
If interested in purchasing, use the discount code “VITALVEDA” for both propolis and bee pollen
*CAUTION test first for allergies.
Described as the holiest plant on earth in the ancient Vedic texts, Tulsi is still revered today as holier than holy.
Tulsi has an enormous array of health benefits. And provides those medicinal actions at potent levels.
One effect is its ability to enhance the body’s own immune response.
Use fresh tulsi leaves or buy tea bags and sip a coupe times a day. I can assure you this is one of the best daily beverages you can possibly consume.
You can buy some top-grade tulsi products on Organic India’s website – use the discount code VITALVEDA
Turmeric is the most researched plant on the planet, and for a very good reason.
We should seriously be using turmeric every day in our diet, and if you already are, up the amount you add to food.
Don’t underestimate this spice. Turmeric is an incredibly effective anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, supports the respiratory tract + much more.
Use turmeric powder in your cooking and even add it to food if you want to up your intake to the next level.
My favorite turmeric is dark “alleppy turmeric” from Herbies.
To learn more on the many benefits of Turmeric read the following article HERE
- ShahK,VermaRJ.
Protectionagainstbutylp- hydroxybenzoic acid induced oxidative stress by Ocimum sanctum extract in mice liver. Acta Pol Pharm 2012;69:865-70. - Samson J, Sheeladevi R, Ravindran R. Oxidative stress in brain and antioxidant activity of Ocimum sanctum in noise exposure. Neurotoxicology 2007;28:679-85.
- Archana R, Namasivayam A. A comparative study of different crude extracts of Ocimum sanctum on noise stress. Phytother Res 2002;16:579-80.
- Sembulingam K, Sembulingam P, Namasivayam A. Effect of ocimum sanctum linn on changes in leucocytes of albino rats induced by acute noise stress. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1999;43: 137-140
- Sembulingam K, Sembulingam P, Namasivayam A. Effect of Ocimum sanctum Linn on the changes in central cholinergic system induced by acute noise stress. J Ethnopharmacol 2005;96:477-82.

Which do you consider to be the best ayurvedic herbs for immunity? Comment below 👇