What are the true purpose and aims of exercise?
What does exercise actually mean?
How do you most effectively reap the benefits of exercise without potentially damaging your physiology?
Is the exercise activity or yoga class that you are attending to actually benefiting your health or is it doing more damage than good?
In this podcast, we investigate the mechanisms of “Hatha Yoga” – the physical aspect of yoga, including the asanas (postures) and pranayama (breath work) as well as exercise and movement in general
Simon reveals basic misunderstanding and misconceptions people have about modern Yoga and exercise based science. He shares correlations between types of movement with the state of your nervous system.
Simon and reveals tips to revolutionise your exercise and yoga practice for maximum vitality, energy and prana (life-force to every cell in your body).
Simon Borg-Olivier MSc BAppSc (Physiotherapy) APAM C-IAYT has been practicing yoga for 50 years and teaching for 35 years. He has also been a registered physiotherapist for 20 years. Simon is co-director of YogaSynergy, a research scientist and a University lecturer. He has been regularly invited to teach lifestyle, posture, movement and breathing at conferences and festivals internationally since 1990.

- Simon’s background, teachers and gurus. (3:55)
- Yoga: The art of learning how not to breathe. (4:46)
- Basic misunderstanding and misconceptions people have about modern Yoga and exercise based science (10:05)
- The myth of “No Pain No Gain” (13:48)
- Excessive exercise preventing weight loss due to excessive sympathetic nervous system activation. (14:05)
- Nasal breathing vs. mouth breathing. (14:35)
- Excessive sympathetic nervous system (Flight or Fight) activation. (16:28)
- Hyperventilation: Wim Hof method, Shamanic healings, Sound healings. (18:13)
- The Wim Hof Method – an advanced yogic technique that people are missing the essence of.
- Why Simon had to apologise to those he taught Yoga to 20-30 years ago. (27:53)
- Health risks of high impact sport and intense cardio (30:41)
- The real meaning of “cardio” – Good cardiovascular work – improving function of blood vessels, rather than the heart taking all the strain. (31:30)
- The general global purpose of yoga and physiological purpose of yoga. (33:21)
- Adapting traditional yoga teachings for the modern western body. (36:21)
- The danger of headstands for westerners, but natural for traditional Asians. (38:30).
- Simons current guru: Master Zhen Hua Yang – Shaolin monk, martial arts expert and energy master. (39:37)
- Simple practices to revolutionise your body to become more “natural” during practice: (42:07)
- Simple practices to incorporate in your day-to-day life: (48:47)
- Active movement.
- Move from your core.
- Breath naturally.
- Move in a fluid way with 3D space.
- Simon’s philosophy of life: (52:05)
- Enjoy life – it’s a choice.
- Look after our bodies.
- Help other people enjoy life.
- Yoga Synergy – Simon’s Yoga School based in Sydney.
- Upcoming workshops aroudn the world with Simon.
- Paper on 12 ways to increase cardiovascular function with Professor Marc Cohen. (coming soon).
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