The dominant belief today is that UV light causes melanoma (associated with skin cancer).
Melanoma incidence has risen 23 times from 1935-2012, but dermatologists can’t put their finger on what is causing the current surge.
The ironic thing is, skin cancer rates are getting higher while people are getting exponentially less sun and using more sunscreen.
Let us find out why the surge in melanoma is occurring and learn from society’s lifestyle habits so that we can take control of our health and avoid falling into the category of chronic disease.
This article aims to break the highly misunderstood belief that the sun is a dangerous carcinogen and expose the TRUTH. It is a big step for those to correct their intellect because the majority have been brainwashed to not be able to think clinically and not question authority.
I invite you to learn for your self. Use logic and explore the science. Radical action is required to break social conditioning and learn the truth with an open mind to supersede a fallacy that is so strongly embedded in the poor brains of the majority. That same majority are getting inflicted with chronic disease (including melanoma). Check out the science and statistics then decide for yourself.
The studies that showed UV (Ultraviolet) radiation causes skin cancer were done on nocturnal animals who lived their lives in a toxic nnEMF (non-native electro-magnetic field) environment, under artificial blue light on artificial grounds.
We are the only species that have taken ourselves away from water and natural materials. Every other species constantly and regularly touches water and/or earth.
So when you take a nocturnal animal, such as a rat, away from nature, keep them in an artificial environment inundated with blue light and nnEMF, all while altering their innate circadian rhythms, what do you think causes cancer here?
Other studies came from a petri dish of naked unprotected cells.

Don’t Compare The Studies on Animal Skin to Human Skin
All plants and animals know how much sunlight they need exactly.
Plants close or turn away their leaves in accordance with their molecular light harvesting zones.
Animals seek the shade when the sun is enough, plus they are protected by fur.
Humans lost their fury skin. So we had to develop a completely new concept of skin. No other creature on this planet has complex skin structure like humans.
You need to be very careful when comparing studies done on animals to human biology. You cannot compare our skin to animals!

I want to make it clear that getting burnt so that you are red and your skin peels is not good and can put your health at risk.
On the dimmer side of the spectrum, skin becoming pink from the sun is a healthy reaction.
The Beneficial Pathology of Sunlight Causing Pink Skin
- Sunlight gives nitric oxide, which is a vassal dilator.
- This brings Red Blood Cells (RBCs) to the surface from the skin (“dermal pooling”).
- These RBCs comprise of haemoglobin and porphyrins that come to the surface to absorb UV spectrum to charge up with energy and enhance movement (healthy vata function), so they can perform their essential tasks of oxygenating the whole body and circulating life-force (prana).
- Blood is trying to absorb UV light. UV is not the enemy.
- Blood is a magnetohydrodynamic fluid that links the sun to your mitochondria.
- This is why your skin becomes pink, in order to capture sunlight for these vital bodily functions.

Artificial Blue Light
Melanoma incidence has risen 23 times from 1935-2012
This is in accordance with a gorge on artificial light while burying the sun from our life.
- In the last 100 years, the USA workforce has shifted from 75% outside to 75% inside.
- Vitamin D3 rates are at historic lows.
- Outdoor workers have a lower incidence of melanoma than indoor workers.
- Melanoma rates are higher in those living away from the equator.
In summary, skin cancer rates are getting higher while people are getting exponentially less sun.
It just doesn’t make sense that the sun is what causing this epidemic of skin cancer.
Let’s look more into why swapping fake blue light for natural sunlight is a prevailing cause of skin cancer:
Blue Light Destroys Melatonin
Melatonin is an absolutely essential hormone:
- Maintains Immunity
- The Body’s Most Powerful Antioxidant
- Energy Levels and Mitochondrial Health
- Maintains Circadian Rhythms
- Regulates All Other Hormones
- Better Sleep
- Cognitive Health and Brain Health
- Weight Loss
- Healthy Bones and Joint Health
- Healthy Microbiome
- Blood Sugar and Metabolic Health
Read more about Melatonin via my article: Melatonin: Benefits and How to Optimise It.
- All modern indoor (blue) lighting subtract out UV and Infrared light. This worsens problematic (uneven) modern skin pigmentation.
- Red light has been shown to lower the risk of melanogenesis (skin pigmentation process). Unfortunately, red light has also been subtracted from modern man-made light, further increasing the blue light hazard for uneven skin pigmentation.
Exposing your skin to artificial light means you are absorbing an altered, unnatural spectrum of light that is unharmonious to the skin’s photosynthesis processes. This stresses the cells and causes impaired skin physiology, potentially leading to skin cancer.
Cancer is uncontrolled growth and uncoupled growth of cells. Constant blue light is putting stimuli for grow, grow, grow. Along with this is a lack of stable energy which should have been obtained from the sun.
Different light frequencies effect on the skin:
- UVA (320–400 nm) can induce IPD (immediate pigment darkening) during the first minutes of exposure, which is a transient form of pigmentation and fades away within a few hours. PPD (persistent pigment darkening) appears within hours of higher doses of UVA exposure and persist up to several days or weeks.
- Visible light (Blue light) (400–700 nm) lies outside of the spectral range of what photo-biologists define as deleterious (harmful) radiation. VL can have a significant impact on producing “uneven pigmentation in skin” (melasma), which is the main factor for photo-ageing. This becomes worse and more uneven if the skin lacks UV. All modern indoor (blue) lighting subtract out UV and IR light, worsening the problematic (uneven) modern skin pigmentation.
- Red light has been shown to lower the risk of melanogenesis (imbalanced skin pigmentation process) but this colour light has also been subtracted from modern man-made light further increasing the blue light hazard for skin pigmentation.

Note that skin pigmentation is an important human phenotypic trait whose regulation, in spite of recent advances, has not yet been fully understood. Traditionally skin pigmentation is believed as the most important photo-protective factor, since melanin, besides functioning as a broadband UV absorbent, has antioxidant and radical scavenging properties.
Inflamed Gut
Inflammation via the gut affects the vagus nerve which opens the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and makes the brain lose control of the immune system. This deactivates the immune system and leads to cancer by increasing ubiquitin markings and turning on the inflammatory cascade and the growth cascades that all lead to cancer.
Studies show a link between Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Skin Cancer.

UV Intoxication
Very heavy ultra-violet exposure and sunburn can cause skin cancer.
Genetic Predisposition Regarding Skin Type
This is approximately less than 5% of the population.
Hormonal Predisposition
Including Hormones Replacement Therapies.
Ingredients of Skin Care Products
In Ayurveda, we administer herbs through the skin (through medicated oils and pastes) to access deep body tissues more efficiently than even administering herbs internally. Modern science calls this “trans-dermal technology.” Chemicals of skin care products can also penetrat the skin and deeper tissues. Rule of thumb: “Only put it on your skin if you can eat it.”
Intake of Photosensitising Drugs and Other Medications
(e.g. Viagra, Tetracycline)
Environmental Pollutants
A contributing factor to impaired skin physiology, particularly sei-conductors on the skin.
Electromagnetic Radiation
From wireless devices like phones, cellphone towers, wifi routers, laptops and computers smart TVs etc. (EMF).
- Calcium efflux (leaking of calcium ions) is a principal membrane reaction to EMF exposure. This lowers sulfate levels in all cells, but especially the skin and surface arterioles where the sun hits us.
- Calcium efflux in the central nervous system also alters blood chemistry.
- This chronic effluxing of calcium seriously disturbs calcium levels, Parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels and Vitamin D homeostasis in the skin.
- Calcium efflux also alters the synthesising function of certain enzymes and other biological functions. For the science geeks: Endothelial NOS (eNOS) sulfate production stimulated by nitric oxide in the presence of UVB and IR light is altered when calcium efflux occurs.

It’s not only the chemicals in sunscreens that produce free radicals that promote skin cancer (see graph below).
Even with some natural sunscreens, when you target to block specific frequencies of the light spectrum and alter wavelengths, the end result is an altered spectrum of light hitting your skin. Not a FULL spectrum holistic light.
You can’t take out one part of the spectrum and think you’re doing it better than nature.
This stresses the cells and causes impaired skin physiology leading to skin cancer.
Note that if you can’t help but be in the sun all day unprotected by clothes (best option), sunscreen can provide some protection.

Sunscreens to Use
If you are going to use sunscreen, use one that “shimmers” and doesn’t absorb into the body (causing the free radical damage).
The higher the SPF the higher risk of cancer and reduces vitamin D synthesis.
I recommend applying cold-pressed coconut oil while out in the sun. Coconut oil is sulfur-based which help absorb Vitamin D3 plus it protects. Also doing self-abhyanga will improve your skin physiology to reflect excess sunlight and absorb and transduce beneficial rays for good use.

Shade and Clothing
Fundamental innate solution. The best protection
Improve your Skin Physiology and Tolerance to Sun
Strategically allow for sunlight to change the anatomical structure of your skin with gradual sun exposure + self-abhyanga. A thickening of the skin will occur as there is increase in melanocytes and keratinocytes and melanin pigment. This is the build-up of natural sun protection on the epidermis. Like building “Light Calluses” on your skin.
Expose Yourself to Late Afternoon Sun
If you want to build up your tolerance to the sun and expose your skin to the sun in a safer way, choose afternoon/evening sun closer to sunset. This time of sun exposure is safer according to Ayurveda and now modern science (see graph below). This especially applies for hot climates.
Note that the morning sun is also important as it provides specific beneficial rays (UVA-IRA light).
“Exposure to evening sun gives longevity.”
~ Ancient Ayurvedic Slohka (saying)

Moderate and diligent sun exposure has positive effects and health benefits for most humans. The sun is crucial for optimal health.
(Maybe) 5%* of the population really shouldn’t expose themselves to sunlight due to their individual risk profile.
If you don’t get adequate access to sunlight you’ll need to go on more holidays or bathe in full-spectrum artificial light.
In regards to skin cancer, it all comes down to proper skin physiology and overall health.
Optimise your skin physiology with proper diet, healthy environment, self-abhyanga and good sunlight.
Optimise your health and immune system through the various practices which I share on my website.
Article coming soon on “Why The Sun is Crucial for Optimal Health”
*Alexander Wunch
Dr. Jack Kruse