Your energy levels are foundational to any health condition or state.
We’re not only talking physical energy levels and fatigue, but also cellular energy – having the energy to perform all the crucial biological functions.
Optimal energy for efficient cellular repair, replacement and anti-aging effort through preventing disease.
Auto-Immunity is on the rise as our intelligence becomes more “mistaken” and we loose self-recognition of our own bodies.
Luckily, there’s a lot to be done to restore our bodily intelligence and harmony amongst our biological system.
Paul Anderson, ND is a naturopathic physician practicing in Seattle, Wash., and Tempe, Ariz. He is a graduate of NCNM, and a full-time core faculty member at Bastyr University, teaching in the clinical science division.
Dr. Anderson is a recognised educator and clinician in integrative and naturopathic medicine with a focus on complex infectious, chronic and oncologic illness.
In addition to three decades clinical experience he also was head of the interventional arm of a US-NIH funded human research trial using IV Vitamin C and other therapies in cancer patients. He founded Advanced Medical Therapies in Seattle, Washington, a clinic focusing on the care of patients with cancer and chronic diseases.
He is co-author of the Hay House book “Outside the Box Cancer Therapies” with Dr. Mark Stengler as well as a co-author with Jack Canfield in the anthology “Success Breakthroughs” and the author of his latest book, Cancer: The Journey from Diagnosis to Empowerment.
He is a frequent CME speaker and writer and has extended his educational outreach through his website. Former positions include professor of Pharmacology and Clinical Medicine at Bastyr University and Chief of IV Services for Bastyr Oncology Research Center.

A morning practice to change your brain circuits to influence your energy levels for the day.
Global energy of depression due to Covid-19
Similar to chronic ill patients and later stages of cancer patients.
People who get energetically affected by what’s going on around them.
Having energy “sucked out” of you
Practitioners and doctors having energy “sucked out” of them and how to get yourself in a centred place so you can interact with a lot of strong energies without being affected by them.
Energetic Recognition and Protecting Yourself
Where Does Energy Come From:
Energy is generated in the most metabolising cells:
- Heart – the heart has so many mitochondria so it puts out this huge energy signature. 5000 mitochondria per cell, even if you don’t work out a lot. Your heart never gets a break, it pumps till the body dies. You can measure your heart electricity from 12 feet away.
- Brain – you can measure the energy output of the brain.
- Muscles – Muscle cell have 200-500 mitochondria in each cell. If you work out a lot, maybe 400-500.
Also, abdominal organs are busy all the time.
What part of the cell makes energy – Mitchondria makes ATP (the energy molecule) then converts to energy.
Hrdaya – The heart as the energy centre of the body.
Pattern of Energy:
- Did your energy gradually reduce?
- or did it drop suddenly (such as cancer or auto-immunity)?
Metabolic Health and Energy Levels
Intermittent Fasting
- Mostly a mental game in the beginning.
- Powerful intervention for metabolic health.
What Causes Low Energy and Overall Fatigue
Short term causes:
- Acute illness.
- Medications.
- Depression.
Long term (and acute) causes:
- The people and media you are associating with.
- Environment – mould, air quality, environmental toxins.
- Digestion and absorption – not absorbing the nutrients and energy from food.
- Balance of minerals / vitamins – taking a high concentration of one constituent may put another out of balance.
- Hormonal levels
- Thyroid levels
- Stress
How to Keep Your Energy In Instead of Letting it Bleed Out
Vedic Meditation 2x/day.
Subtle energies
- Absorbing patients disease energetically. Being drained.
- Doctors, OTs, therapists, practitioners etc.
- Optometrists get eye diseases, cardiologists get heart diseases etc.
We loose self-recognition.
Pragnyapradah – Mistake of intellect.
Inflammation will invade other organs.
Immune system enters a hyperactive state after being exposed to toxic influences over time and acquiring an accumulate affect.
Types of Auto-Immune Conditions
- Hashimotos thyroiditis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Diabetes type 1
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Lupus – inflammation at various aspects of the body.
- Tired.
- Joint pain. Multiple joints.
- High temperature.
- Ulcerations or sores in nose and mouth, sometimes.
- Sensitivity to sun.
- Inflammations in the blood – excess or deficient levels of various aspects of the blood.
- Rashes.
- Scleroderma
A lot of people with low-thyroid have auto-immune (hashimotos) causing that, and don’t even know it.
What Causes Auto-Immunity
- Orchestration of the immune system.
- External influences that settle somewhere in the body, and the immune system goes to do it’s job to clean up the cells, and inevitably creates the problem.
- Viruses invading certain areas.
- Environmental sources.
- Toxicity.
- Diet – diet is a significant way in for toxic material.
- Glycemic load.
- Medical interventions – Such as modern biological drugs used to treat cancer. Modern medical interventions and drugs confuse the immune system and don’t allow it to regenerate.
Boosting Your Immune System during Auto-Immune conditions.
- AnandSid Yog
- Swasakasantak Yog
- and more
Treating Auto-Immune Conditions
Smriti can play a role in restoring the intelligence.
Wet areas rich in biological systems.
They can get hijacked with pathogens, e.g. mould.
Aspects of Immune System
- Skin – external layer of our immune system.
- Respiratory tract – internal mucous membrane immune system.
- Digestive tract – internal mucous membrane immune system.
- Surveillance – Surveillance molecules (e.g. Killer T Cells) that look for anything that does not have our marker on it. Recognition molecules that say “you are mine.”
- Specific immune system – Immune globulin, immune proteins, specially built to look for a specific cancer cell or virus etc. Humoral (anti-body) immunity – specific proteins against specific bad guys.
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