An all inclusive discussion about the potential shedding of spike proteins that are generated by the body after receiving the CvD Vx((een.
These proteins may be what is causing the adverse health effects being reported by many of those who don’t receive the vx((een, but simply are around those who have.
– What are spike proteins?
– How are they being transmitted?
– How can we detox and overcome side effects after receiving the vx((een?
– What precautions should we take to prevent transmission?
– How can we prevent receiving spike proteins and the adverse effects?
– Why are so many women having hormonal and gynaecological imbalances after being around others who have had the vx((een?
Stephanie is an integrative nurse practitioner with over 12 years in the field of medicine.
In 2009, Stephanie was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and eventually diagnosed with Crohn’s. She started down a path of biologics and steroids with deteriorating health. As she desperately searched for answers, she stumbled upon integrative medicine. She went all in, changed her mind, body and spirit and started treating herself holistically. Since 2014, Stephanie has been using her skills and experiences to help empower others to work towards their healthiest selves.
I chose once again Stephanie to be on this podcast because of her extensive, non-biased independent research on the C19 vx((een.

Stephanie’s Daily Routine (Dinacharya)
Stephanie’s medical background and why she turned to integrative/holistic medicine
Becoming a certified nurse and going through all of the western medicine paradigm.
Being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in her twenties and looking for alternatives to the life-time use of immunosuppressants.
Going through a consciousness shift that affected her entire life and eventually healed her condition.
Developing an integrative practice in which she provides a range of services that allows for people to detox their bodies.
Spike proteins
Spike proteins essentially are what our body manufactures after receiving the vx((een.
The members of the coronavirus family have these sharp bumps – or little crowns – that protrude, these are spike proteins.
These proteins act as the key to the lock that is our immune system, they allow the virus to enter certain cells and start the self-replication that will lead to our bodies getting sick.

The idea behind the vx((eens is that when these spike proteins are introduced into our bodies, they will make our bodies create synthetic proteins of the same nature. Therefore, if and when the wild exterior coronavirus enters our bodies, these synthetic spike proteins that our bodies have already developed will help fight back against the infection.
Dr. Lee Makowski – from North Eastern University – published a hypothesis in the journal of viruses saying that the spike protein in the wild coronavirus might mimic proteins that, amongst other things, regulate blood vessels and the formation of blood clots.
That spike proteins we are making via contact with the virus or vx((een are mimicking proteins that regulate other cellular structures in our body.
It is for that reason that these proteins wreak havoc in our bodies and trigger certain responses that might not have been foreseeable by those that do not have a complete understanding of these spike proteins and the role they play in both the wild virus and vx((eens.
The effects caused by the shedding of spike proteins
Several cases of women bleeding during very extended periods of time (3-6 weeks), others bleed with heavy clotting & what they call “tissues”, others don’t bleed at all.
Some menopausal women suddenly started bleeding again.
Pregnancies that became severely compromised and ended in miscarriages – women’s hormonal system is very delicate. To get pregnant and stay pregnant is an enormously complex system. We know that that the spike protein antibody cross-reacts with Cinsiden 1 and 2 – proteins absolutely essential for the placenta, for fertilization and maintaining a pregnancy.
Some men have been experiencing blood clots, scrotum & prostate swelling.
Stephanie’s Crohn’s disease started to flare up after several years of not presenting any issues, just after attending a venue with a high concentration of vaccinated people.
Information from the inside
One of the founders of the mRNA technology (which is used for Pfizer and Moderna vx((eens) – Luigy Warren- tweeted: “The vx((een shedding of the spike proteins is real. But it is occurring in small amounts that is mostly not harmful.”.
Later twitter suspended his account saying it was alleged “fake news” – another example of censorship by Big Media in the pursuit of a political agenda.
Warren then put out a statement saying: “The tweet you locked me out for is correct. I am the inventor of the technology of which Moderna was founded. Look it up. I think I know what I am talking about.”
How can this shedding be transmitted and assimilated by others
The hypothesis is that it can be airborne, saliva, urine, seminal fluid, feces and possibly even flatus transmitted.
Given that proper scientific studies haven’t been performed yet, this is mostly speculation based on the lived experiences of those who come forward with stories related to this topic.
How should we protect ourselves (both the vaccinated and unvaccinated)
What is fundamental is to strengthen your immune system.
If you have had the vx((een, a bit of body cleansing/detox is also very recommended.
Intermitent fasting:
It is one of the most powerful interventions for overall health. It really helps detox the whole body.
Intermittent fasting is very helpful in triggering autophagy, which is the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells in order to regenerate newer, healthier ones.
Ayurveda considers intermittent fasting to be “the supreme medicine”.
If you want to take fasting seriously then consult a practitioner and make sure you are guided through it, it is a tremendously powerful and yet delicate process. It needs to be done the right way.
Not recommended for those who are excessively losing weight or suffering any sort of anemia. Pregnant women should also abstain from fasting.
Sauna allows for deep sweating which helps in the detoxification of the body.
If a sauna is accessible to you, doing it 3-5 times a week is recommended.
Get in the Sun:
Vitamin D strengthens your immune system, it heals and supports all areas of your body.
Vitamin D obtained naturally from the sun is much more powerful than what any supplement can provide.
Side-note: sunbathing the soft tissue areas of your privates (testicles and breasts) is very helpful to deal with cancer’s that are lodged nearby. Sunlight triggers the production of healing hormones and allows for the creation of a protective layer.
Get your lymph moving:
These spike proteins – and any viruses for that matter – tend to go and lodge in the lymph because it is responsible for removing toxins.
A lot of times the lymph system gets sluggish and doesn’t move much. Therefore:
Doing lymph massage, vibration plates, dry brushing, yoga (even deep belly breath only), self-oil massage (Abhyanga)
Do Nasya every day (along with Abhyanga):
Nasya is the practice of sniffing a drop of ayurvedic medicated nasal oil (Nasika) up your nose.
The nose is the gateway to the skull, so it creates a coating in the nasal passages so that toxins, environmental pollutants, viruses, pathogens and bacteria don’t get in.
Things that you can internally take:
Dandelion Tea – Is an excellent source of potassium. Potassium helps the kidney filter toxins more effectively and improves blood flow. The polysaccharides in dandelion are known to reduce stress on the liver and support its ability to produce bile.
Fulvic acid – is believed to help block reactions in the body that cause allergy symptoms. It also seems to have anti-inflammatory properties along with immune-stimulating and antioxidant effects.
Smriti herb – “smriti” in sanskrit means memory. This powerful herb helps enliven the genetic memory within the body that promotes the appropriate functioning of all organ systems and propitiates intense healing.
Public release on peer reviewed science proving the dangers of the C19 Vax((een HERE
SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vx((een BNT162 Biodistribution Study HERE
Trialsitenews May 28, 2021 – Pfeizer failed to do standar testings before initiating mRNA clinical trials HERE
Article by Dr. Malcom Kendrick on the link between Spike Proteins and blood clotting HERE
Interview to Dr. Peter McCullough on his research of COVID-19 HERE
Article on the International Journal of Vx((een Theory, Practice and Research – by Stephanie Seneff (Senior Research Scientist on Computer Science and A.I. at MIT) & Dr. Greg Night (Neuropathic Oncology at Immersion Health) – on the COVID Vx((een possibly being worse than the disease itself. HERE
5 Doctors Agree Discuss What to do About Adverse effects from COVID-19 Injections HERE
Stephanie’s Instagram account (@thehealthypractitioner) HERE
Stephanie’s website HERE
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