Thyroid Disease is one of the most common health problems that we face.
The thyroid gland is the only gland whose hormones affect every cell in the body.
In reverse, anything in the body that is not in balance, will affect the thyroid.
There are epidemics of hypothyroidism (low/under-active thyroid). Especially western countries.
15 million people in US alone have hypothyroidism and don’t even know it!
Hashimotos is currently the #1 Auto-Immune disorder.
Rather than giving medications, which make the thyroid gland lazy, we want to address with Ayurveda the root issues that allow for the thyroid to malfunction.
In reverse, anything in the body that is not in balance, will affect the thyroid.
There are epidemics of hypothyroidism (low/under-active thyroid). Especially western countries.
15 million people in US alone have hypothyroidism and don’t even know it!
Hashimotos is currently the #1 Auto-Immune disorder.
Rather than giving medications, which make the thyroid gland lazy, we want to address with Ayurveda the root issues that allow for the thyroid to malfunction.
Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum has been in private practice for over 30 years.
She has studied with several Ayurvedic doctors, including Stuart Rothenberg, M.D., and Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra.
The recipient of the Prana Ayushudi Award in 2013, she lectures and writes extensively about Ayurvedic treatments for all diseases.
She has been using in-depth principles of Ayurveda in her practice with outstanding results with all health problems.

Marianne’s Guru: Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra
Most of the Shakhadwipi Brahmins who settled in India still practice Ayurveda today. Just as Acharya P.V. Sharma, a famous Ayurvedic scholar, is of Shakhadwipi descent, Vaidya R K. Mishra’s ancestors issued from these migrant Shakhadwipi families.

Sastras (Ancient texts) left the texts open for Vaidyas to later add to in the future.

Overmedication of modern westerns causing lots of problems.
The trend of Americans rejecting herbs when taken orally due to a debilitated liver.
- Similarly, modern Americans were becoming victims of Panchakarma as they couldn’t handle the detox methods.
- Prepare the channels before detox.
- Ensure agni is proper.
“Natural” synthetic supplements and “Nutraceuticals”
- Isolated active ingredients synthetically made in a lab at a much higher dose – this comes riddled with side effects for the liver and kidneys.
- e.g. Vitamin supplements, zinc supplements, curcumin extracts, herbal extracts etc.
- These are not bad, but not ideal to take long term.
- Ayurveda, on the contrary, provides natural, holistic and very effective treatments for ailments of the Thyroid.
Bhasmas (Ash of minerals and metals)
Powerful nano-particle Ayurvedic medicine that can penetrate well. They can go to certain places that regular herbs cannot.

The Epidemic of HypoThyroid Disease
(Low/Sluggish or Under-active Thyroid)
Hashimotos: The #1 Auto-Immune Disease
Thyroid Medication
- How taking thyroid medication makes your thyroid gland lazy. It is not addressing the root cause of the problem.
- How to get off the medication gradually as their thyroid comes back to life and proper function.
The thyroid gland is the only gland whose hormones affect every cell in the body.
In reverse, anything in the body that is off, will affect the thyroid. Here’s where Ayurveda plays a major role, enlivening the cellular memory of optimum health and acting as a support for the thyroid.
The effect of mercury on the thyroid
Mercury goes immediately to the thyroid gland instead of the iodine.

The effect of fluoride on the thyroid
- Fluoride in tap water – Fluoride an endocrine disruptor in the broad sense of altering normal endocrine function.” This altered function can involve your thyroid, parathyroid, and pineal glands, as well as your adrenals, pancreas, and pituitary.
Fluoride has the ability to:
- Mimic thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
- Damage the cells of your thyroid gland
- Disrupt conversion from the inactive form of the thyroid hormone (T4) to the active form (T3)
Chlorine is also in the same family as iodine – and can displace iodine in your thyroid gland (iodine is used to create T4 and convert T4 to T3.
The effect of the contraceptive pill on the thyroid
- Low prana, non-intelligent hormones mimicking chemicals.
- Causing lost of breast cancer, not allowing thyroid to work + many other issues.
Coffees effect on the thyroid gland.
Ionised salts effect on the thyroid gland.
Instead of synthetic iodine, eat kelp or seafood.
Are women more effected with hypothyroidism than men?
- They may have more stress, and fluctuating hormones.
- Maybe because they attend to their health more?
Why blood tests may not detect thyroid imbalance but rather report “normal”
- Ayurveda, by means of the Pulse diagnosis, allows for the detection of imbalances in the thyroid earlier on in the disease process.
- Ayurveda has Six Stages of Disease.
- The thyroid panels that doctors are performing are not comprehensive enough.
The effect of Soy on the thyroid gland
Especially unfermented soy is not good for overall health.

The Health Implications of Veganism
- There’s something missing.
- You may feel wonderful a couple years… but it has ill implications for health.
- Our whole body is animal protein.
Over Heated Liver
Constant heating can lead to autoimmune conditions.
The Seven Tissues (Dhatus) and Ojas
Learn more about Ojas HERE.
Ethical Dairy
It may very well be available near you!
Try your local Hare Krsna farm.
Marianne has sources of ethical dairy in USA in her book.

The effect of light on the thyroid gland
The importance of Vitamin D
The Immune System and Auto-Immune Disorders
- The three components of the immune system.
- Auto-immune is loss of intelligence.
The best yoghurt culture
- The reductionist approach of probiotics.
- The best way to consume yoghurt.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
- A very enlightened plant.
- Very easy to grow. Get a cutting of the stem and grow it.
- Prevents the cytokine storm – fantastic for auto-immune.
- One of the amrita (immortal) herbs.
- “The great protector.”

Premature cleansing
The Role Of The Gall Bladder
- An overlooks organ.
- Weak thyroid = the gall bladder doesn’t empty properly.
- So the cholesterol becomes imbalanced.
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