Are those extra kilos just-not-shedding? Perhaps it is because you are chronically dehydrated.
Although majority of the population is dehydrated but not overweight, if you are overweight, drinking “tap liquid” or using water filters as an excuse to drink dead water ain’t going to help your metabolism burn fat.
You can even increase your metabolic rate 30% by drinking half a litre of water. (1)
The link between overweight and dehydration is partially because we tend to associate hunger and thirst as the same sensation.
In other words, increased hydration = reduced feeding.
But there’s a second part to it…
The first step to reach lipolysis (burning fat) is hydrolysis, which is when water molecules interact with triglycerides (fats) and an enzyme called lipase.
Lipase and water mediate the whole process of breaking down fat.
Plus, drinking more water = less water retention (laksmi/abundance consciousness = no hoarding).
Further more, when this hydrolysis reacts well, you produce fatty acids and glycerol.
The fatty acids can then be broken down directly to get energy, or can be used to make glucose (gluconeogenesis),
Basically, water is key in the chemical equation of weight loss, and lack of water and dehydration (drinking more “water” alone doesn’t solve it!) is a primary cause of weight gain.
AND Hydration gives you energy – The osmotic flow of water through cell membranes generates “hydroelectric“ energy, voltage that is converted and stored in the mitochondria in form of ATP and GTP.
So, How to get intra-cellularly hydrated and Loose Weight?
Drink spring water
Move your body
Reduce exposure to nnEMF (they dry out your cells)
Practice abhyanga
Get sunlight
Drink spring water
Move your body
Reduce exposure to nnEMF (they dry out your cells)
Practice abhyanga
Get sunlight
For more, check my posts and podcasts and stay tuned for my upcoming course on Ayurvedic Nutrition where hydration and nutritional water is foundational.
- Isabel Friend, Water is Life
- Increased Hydration Can Be Associated with Weight Loss