I always wondered how one could harvest wild honey and it so happened that once in India my Guru spotted about 8 wild honey beehives nesting in various trees throughout the gated community where the Ayurvedic clinic is.
She called in experts for the medicinal harvest and it went a little something like this…
Learn about the health benefits of Honey and Ayurvedic perspective in this article: Honey: Nectar or Poison
Step 1: Hire Professionals who actually know how to harvest wild honey.
Step 2: Say a Prayer to The Tree, Then Climb Up – Carrying a bunch of dried leaves + match box.
Step 3: Smoke the Hive – Bees will flee. Men on the ground keep distance to avoid stings during the swarm.
Step 4: Yank Out The Queen Bee – Keep in cloth to later relocate back into forest.
Step 5: Send Honey Comb Down to the Ground Crew – This was done via buckets and rope.
Step 6: Strain Honey and Store well away from heat.
Honey Gets Better With Age
Be sure to collect your unheated honey. Since honey gets better with age. It should be minimum 2 months old before we use it.
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