Contraception: Become aware of the various methods out there and become educated about what each contraceptive method is actually doing to the body of yourself, your partner, your family member or friend.
Check out the associated article for a more comprehensive birth control guide.
Wendy Dumaresq is a herbalist and Natural Medicine Women’s Health provider, two times published author, event leader, speaker and Teacher/Healer with nearly three decades of combined study and clinical practice.
Her mission is to share natural and safe, inspiring and empowering solutions for women of all ages. She Knows that when you have the support, information and appropriate tools you can hugely improve your vitality, energy and enjoyment of life.
Wendy also incorporates Ayurveda into her work and is an expert in accessing the cyclical charts of females.

Daisy: Natural Intelligent Fertility Tracker
Daysy is an intelligent fertility tracker that lets you get to know your very own menstrual cycle. Thanks to Daysy, you know exactly when you are in your fertile window and when you are not.
The technology-based temperature method used by Daysy is one of the most reliable methods in the world for fertility tracking.
Daysy allows every woman who wants a health-conscious lifestyle to monitor her individual monthly cycle and determine her fertile and infertile days in natural harmony with her body.
Check it out HERE
What exactly is “The Pill” and how it works.
Once you learn this, you may alter your choice of it.
“The only pharmaceutical used on people without a health problem.”
Other Hormonal Pharmaceutical Contraceptive Methods
The history and the current trend of constantly changing the composition of the pill due to associated risks and incidents.
The highly common trend of an inability to conceive after taking the pill.
Potential side effects and diseases that are associated with The Pill.
The pill as the first line of treatment for teenagers with hormonal symptoms like irregular cycles, period pain and acne.
Even though there are so many effective natural options.
The oral contraceptive pill as masking symptoms and not getting to the root of the issue.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) – A very exacerbated version of PMS.
Taking the pill continuously vs. taking breaks.
The importance of non-hormonal barrier methods of contraception.
The importance of raising contraceptive options with your GP, if you want to be well.
The importance of men being aware in this so they can respect their partner’s health.
Natural Birth Control Methods
Natural Fertility Management
For couples to learn about the lunar cycle and when is safe to have unprotected sex and not.
Why the menstrual cycle is the greatest gift to a woman.
How every period influences, builds and paves the way for the future offspring.
*A couple corrections to the podcast:
The diaphragm is not placed over ‘vagina’, it is placed over the cervix.
*Special Offer* for Vital Veda listeners who sign up to one of Wendy’s courses will be bonus resources such as the “Happy Hormones E-Journal.” Must mention Vital Veda for this speial offer.
Daisy: Natural Intelligent Fertility Tracker
Daysy is an intelligent fertility tracker that lets you get to know your very own menstrual cycle. Thanks to Daysy, you know exactly when you are in your fertile window and when you are not.
The technology-based temperature method used by Daysy is one of the most reliable methods in the world for fertility tracking.
Daysy allows every woman who wants a health-conscious lifestyle to monitor her individual monthly cycle and determine her fertile and infertile days in natural harmony with her body.
Check it out HERE
Radiant Woman Book – chart your temp. familiarise yourself more with your hormone cycle.
Free eBook: Get Your Midlife Mojo Back – 8 common Signs of menopause and what to do about it.
Courses including “Thrive Through Menopause” and “Happy Hormones, Peaceful Period.”
Facebook live with Wendy Dumaresq – Every Monday 12pm, 5-8 mins – “Thrive through Menopause” Facebook page.
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