Uplifting Christianity to the high dignity and essence of Jesus’ own and true teachings.
See and experience the deeper and true meaning of these scriptures and teachings which are based on pure consciousness, enlightenment and transcendence.
Through careful scholarly detective work, Kenneth has showed the essence of Jesus’ teachings.
Dr. Kenneth Chandler received a Ph.D. from the University of Texas where he specialised in philosophy of science and theory of knowledge.
He taught philosophy and the humanities for twenty years and has lectured at leading universities in Europe, Asia and North America on awakening the full potential of human consciousness. Most recently he was a scholar in residence at the University of Chicago.
Dr. Chandler was raised in a strong Christian family. The skills of careful critical thinking he acquired in his academic career did not cause him to deny his Christian upbringing but led instead to the discover of the deeper meaning of Jesus’ own teaching. He found that Jesus described a kind of experience that is universally valid and that is the true foundation of Christianity.

Dr. Chandler’s discerning scholarly detective work brings to light an aspect of Jesus’ teaching that has been hidden for nearly two thousand years.
He found that the true ground of validity of Jesus’ teaching is the universal experience of eternal pure consciousness Jesus gave his disciples.
Paul helped bring faith to millions of people by focusing on the “sign and miracle” of the risen Christ: but the true meaning and power of Jesus’ teaching is that we too can experience the eternal consciousness that ever knows itself and the Kingdom of Heaven within.
Dr. Chandler’s research has uncovered the universal experience of pure consciousness that is described by the greatest minds of the East and West. This experience is the same across all cultures and is a foundation of well-grounded knowledge.
Kens Project: The Experience of Pure Consciousness
Collecting exact expressions of pure consciousness from the greatest thinkers of the main steam from the east and west.
This includes the Veda of course, but also western intellectual cultural spiritual heritage such as the Greeks, Roman, Dekardt and went right through History of Philosophy right through to the 21st century. Jesus is just one of them.
The Sources of Jesus’ Teaching of Enlightenment
Which is expressed in two basic sources:
- The Bible – The teaching of enlightenment is included there. But if you don’t have a clear paradigm of what enlightenment is you don’t see it.
- 7-14 gospels written down by his disciples and then lost.
What is exciting is that these teachings are currently now being revealed. These scriptures such as the lost gospels have only recently been discovered, mostly in the twentieth century.
Jesus’ Teaching of Enlightenment
The experience of Transcending. Described in all traditions.
Transcending and Experiencing Pure Consciousness
What is transcending?
Deep settling of the activity of the mind which causes our attention to go deeper, subtler and quieter until we remain awake with clear restful alertness to experience pure consciousness which is unbounded, unchangeable, blissful and infinite.
The eternal Light of God – what Jesus called the all-pervading pure consciousness.
What is Enlightenment?
- A natural result of developing the full potential of human consciousness.
- The potential to attain enlightenment is a universal human capability inherent in the human nervous system. Thus, every human being has this capacity to attain enlightenment.
- Enlightenment is a state of consciousness that is far more knowing, more vital and more blissful than ordinary waking state.
- It provides an ability to act more effectively in the word and achieve excellence in all endeavours.
- As consciousness develops, one gains a kind of direct knowledge and expanded knowledge of the universal consciousness – the foundation of all life.
An Experience Based Approach vs Faith:
This needs to dominate in religion, then people of all religions will rise above conflict and dogma and live the supreme enlightenment Jesus taught is possible.
When established in the inner light, we know the inner Divine life of Jesus in our own experience.
Paul teachings was a faith approach.
The “Lost” or “Original” Gospels that have now been found.
Approximately 14 lost gospels record Jesus’ true teachings. Transcending and pure consciousness. These were written by Jesus’ own disciples, while Jesus was alive.
Some of them are:
- The Gospel of Mary – “how to rest in silence.”
- The Gospel of Thomas
- The (Secret) Gospel of Mark
- John – “The great unbounded one.”
- Judas
- The Saviour.
- Gospel of Mathew
Common aspects and some of the exact same phrases of Jesus’ teachings from these gospels that are also in Vedic texts.
A major difference between the teaching of Jesus and the teaching of Paul (todays Christianity):
Heaven is On Earth. It is not something one acquires after dropping their body and leaving this earth.
“The kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”
Enhancing the collective consciousness with the ability to bring heavenly light and coherence to everyone to eliminate all negative thinking, war, crime, corruption, sickness and all the problems of the modern man.
Jesus’ teaching of Yoga:
“Take my yoke upon you… and ye shall find rest to your souls.”
~ Jesus.
Mathew, 11:29
Yoke from the Greek yugos, which is closely related to the Sanskrit word yoga.
Jesus mentioning “AUM”:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.”
John 1: 1-4
Aum is the primordial sound of creation.
The (Secret) Gospel of Mark
St. Clement was well aware that the Secret Gospel of Mark was kept at the Church in Alexandria. Clement commanded in his letter to Alexandria that the priests there:
“deny even under oath [that Mark had written a secret gospel] for one does not have to speak the whole truth to everyone.”
However, Clement privately encouraged people to be initiated in the Mysteries of Christ, for he practiced them. He praised “our sacred mysteries:”
“O Truly sacred mysteries! O pure light! In the blaze of torches I have a vision of heaven and of God. I become holy by initiation. The Lord [Jesus] reveals the mysteries.”
~ Clement of the Greeks, Exhortation of Alexandria.
The reoccurring theme of the Church denying and hiding true principles and teachings in order to protect the Church movement from change.
The pattern of denying ancient gospels to protect the faith has become Vatican policy.
The Essene Gospel Of Peace
Jesus’ teaching to a group of spiritual men that were living in harmony with nature in a monastic environment. These men were worthy of high teachings, so Jesus taught some high end knowledge.
“Seek not the law in your scriptures, for the law is life, whereas the scripture is dead…The law is the living word of the living God to living prophets for living men. In everything that is life is the law written. You find it in the grass, in the tree, in the river, in the mountain, in the birds of heaven, in the fishes of the sea; but seek it chiefly in yourselves.”
“Do not wait for death to reveal the great mystery;
If you know not your Heavenly Father
While your feet treat the dusty soil,
There shall be naught but shadows for thee in the life to come.
Here and now is the mystery revelled.
Here and now is the curtain lifted.”
– Heaven is on earth.
“As the sheaf of golden wheat
Lieth hidden within the tiny kernel.
So is the kingdom of heaven
Hidden within our thoughts.”
– This is exactly the language in which the Vedic tradition describes the hiding power (chhandas) of thoughts that covers the subtler heaven within.
“you can then look upon the blinding light of the Heavenly Father, which is a thousand times brighter that the brightness of a thousand suns.”
– Practically the same as the Upanishads, which describe pure consciousness as brighter than a thousand suns.
Jesus’ Teaching of Transcending – The Greater Mystery
Jesus Initiating Disciples into a Transcendental Technique – in my language, he gave them mantras
“I have given them the words which thou gavest me, and that have received them…that they may be one, as we are one.”
John 17: 8-11
“that they may all be one; even as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they may also be in us…The glory which though hast given to them, that they may be one even as we are one.”
Primordial Sounds mentioned in the Pistis Sophia
The Gospels of Mark, Matthew and Luke depict Jesus as a “sower of words,” referring to the special sounds he gave his disciples.
Mantras – repeating a meaningless sound.
The Pistis Sophia refers to special sacred syllables that heal and lead the the fullness of light.
Book V of the Pistis Sophia begins with him standing together with his disciples in a circle. “turning towards the four corner of the world with his disciple, who were all clothes in [white] linen…he said out loud: “iao, iao, iao.”
Maharishi also spoke of the same three syllables as the three primordial sounds or vowels that contain all other sounds of cosmic intelligence.
- These three syllables were also recoded in the Gospel of Thomas.
- The Acts of St. John, another ancient document found in Egypt, describes Jesus standing in a circle with his disciples and delivering a “secret initiation.”
- The Secret Gospel of Mark affirms a similar initiation.
- The Gospel of Batholomew also speaks of certain teaching given to the Apostles in a secret by the Lord in the circle rite.
- Valntinius also mentions the three syllabules.
- Zostrainos manuscript (found at Nag Hamadi) speaks of “stilling the chaos in his mind,” through a practice which he calls “meditation.”
- The Gospel of Phillip refers to sacred syllables.
- Another ancient manuscript found at Nag Hamadi called the Discourse on the Eight and Ninth tells of a sequence of sacred sounds that initiates repeat in silence. Then after reacting the Divin syllables, the teacher exclaims “I see! I see indescribable depths…I see myself!…I have found the beginning of the power that is above all powers, the one that has no beginning…”
Who was Jesus – A more deep and subtle investigation
Jesus was not only a man who became enlightened.
Jesus is described in the Bible and the Christian creeds as God come down from heaven and made man – meaning he was an incarnation of the Divine.
The Bible says he “came down from heaven” and was made man.
~ John 6:38
A God who takes human form on earth to save mankind is called an Avatar.

Virgin Birth
Although others say otherwise, it was Matthews gospel in about 80CE that introduced the idea of Jesus’ virgin birth.
“But I came from the places above by the will of the great Light.”
~ The Sophia of Jesus Christ.
Twice Born:
“Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
~ John 3:3
Manu Smriti talks about twice-born, “Bhramins.”
When asked how a man can be born when he is old, Jesus answers,
“Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” (John, 3:5).
“That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of spirit is spirit.” (John, 3:6)
“Born again” into higher states of consciousness, that is the life of the spirit, then do we enter the kingdom of God. (Cosmic Consciousness).
Each rebirth – to higher states of consciousness – is a total an permanent transformation, a rebirth of the whole body, mind and spirit. This is also called awakening.
Believing – a very superficial thinking. Go deeper. “You to can become one with the father as the father and I are one.”
Shri Shakti Amma Narayani – one of the current avatars today.
Jesus’ “Lost Years”
Where was Jesus between the age of 12 and 30? The Bible says nothing about his life during these 18 years.
There is only one ancient account of Jesus during this time, the Himis manuscript.
A manuscript found in a remote Himalayan monastery in Ladakh says that Saint Issa (the transliterated name for Jesus in the Middle East) left Israel a boy of 13, travelled to India and Tibet to learn the Vedas then taught there for 12 years. It described in some detail how Jesus gained a large following all over India.
The Himis Manuscript said Jesus left Israel because Israeli children during his lifetime got married at 13 for boys and 12 for girls. The young Jesus wanted to pursue a purely spiritual life rather than to be married.
The Dead Sea Scrolls relate that Israel boys at the time of Jesus were married at age 13.
How did a Buddhist author know the marriage age of children in ancient Israel? How could a Buddhist forget to tell of Jesus’ teaching in a way that fits so perfectly with them of the other lost gospels?
in 1887 Nicholas Notovitch discovered this manuscript. He went to the Vatican to publish it but was rejected and offered money not to publish it, for his “loss of time and expenditure.” The pattern of denying ancient gospels to protect the faith had become Vatican policy.
Authenticity – It has been described by ten people who saw it and heard readings from it.
The silk road was very active then. A young man with an aspiration for spiritual knowledge could naturally make this journey.
Sometime in the late 1970s, a group of people travelled to the monastery and bought the manuscript (Himis Gospel) for a large sum of money on the pretext of punishing it. It has not been since. If the manuscript could have been shown a forgery, it would have long since been shown. But it has not, so this adds to the plausibility. It is likely now hidden away in the Vatican secret archives or somewhere it will not “disturb the faithful.”
The Secret Basement Library of the Vatican
Other evidence of Jesus in India:
- The Acts of Thomas, which belongs to the Catholic Bible, describes Jesus in India and amazingly tells of the activities of Jesus in India.
- Even Irenaeus wrote a passage that he was in Asia. Probably written off guard.
- An ancient tomb in Srinagar, Kashmir proclaims it is the final resting placing of You Asaf (the Persian name for Jesus).
Jesus went to Asia after his resurrection, not to outer-space.
Dormant non-local potentials that exist in every Consciousness.
Where Jesus learnt to walk on water, rise into the air and foreknow future events.
The creation of a perfected human. The way nature intended a human to be constructed and manifested.
The Bible speaks of Jesus performing siddhis that are described in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras – like walking on water rising into the air and foreknowing future events. He probably spent his early years in India learning these.
Vedic Meditation and Transcendental Meditation – learn more about this meditation technique and advanced courses here.
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How the Teachings of Jesus became Mis-Interpreted and Lost
The essence of his teachings, that was enlightenment, were lost and overshadowed by later apostles who broke away from the movement Jesus established in Israel to teach their own doctrines.
Christians have been robbed of Jesus’ teaching because of a mistake made by bishops in the late second century.
Unfortunately, when the manuscripts containing Jesus’ teachings were rediscovered over the past two centuries, they were interpreted through the eyes of Irenaeus of Gaul, who blasts Jesus’ own teaching of enlightenment as a “Gnostic fraud,” around 185 CE.
Iranaues was a powerful and influential bishop of early Church, a zealous follower of Paul, who had not been initiated into the secret wisdom and certainly did not know it had come from Jesus.
Iranaues made the teaching of Paul primary and that became the focus of early Christianity.
Jesus’ own teaching of transcending was hidden and denied and the teaching of Paul was taken as the word of God.
Iranaues also took harsh action to shut down Carpocrates, who without permission from the elders of the church, somehow obtained “the written part of the secret gospel [of Mark]” and famously started imitated people.

The apostle Paul proclaimed that his interpretation of Jesus was revealed by God.
It was Paul who brought the idea that salvation comes through faith (not the case).
The history of Christianity has been shaped by Paul’s interpretation of Jesus, which was written decades after Jesus gave his true teachings. Paul had never met Jesus in person and clashed with other disciples, Peter and James, who Jesus has left in charge of the Church.

Christians still hold to the Paul-Irenaean interpretation of Jesus that has dominated Christianity for 800 years; which is not the original teaching of Jesus.
A Christianity based on Jesus’ own teaching of transcending and enlightenment will be far richer and more divine that the doctrines based on the teaching of Paul and others who came after him.
Without experience of the Light of God to guide them, religions often become embroiled in the kind of narrow sectarian rivalry that is degrading in the sight of God.
Additional quotes and evidence of Jesus’ true teachings:
I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.
~ Jesus. John, 8:12.
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
~ Jesus. John, 10:10.
Jesus prayed that we too can become one with God as he and God are one.
“And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them;
that they may be one, even as we are one.”
~ Gospel of John, 17:22
This passage from the bible says:
- God has given Jesus a glorified state of life.
- Jesus has given us (his disciples) the same glorified state of life.
- Jesus has given us the glory so that we too can become on with God as he and God are one.
We can do greater works still than Jesus has done
“The works that I do he do also; and greater works than these shall he do.”
~ John 14:12
The goal of a true Guru is to not only make his disciple self-sufficient, but so that the disciple can teacher more and be greater than the guru.
Jesus’ Teachings of Joy
Paul teaches that suffering is necessary. That Christinas are obliged to suffer in Jesus’ name as he suffered for us (which he did not).
Not only did Jesus not suffer, but his own teachings are about total fullness and joy for everyone to attain this life:
“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”
~ John 15:11.
“Peace if my parting gift to you, my own peace, such as the world cannot give.”
~ John 14:27
Life in Accord with the Will of God (Dharma)
“I am not myself the source of the words I speak to you, it is the Father who dwells in me doing his own work.”
~ John 14:10
Our individual self is a vessel for the greater intelligence and the laws of nature to perform action through.
For the self-realised person, the Rk Veda says:
“wholeness (Brahma) drives the chariot.”
Regular Prayer vs. True Prayer
Regular Prayer
I’m the unworthy one, petitioning to you supreme being, other thing than me, for perfection.
True Prayer
- Continue to use me, I am reliable.
- King David did this in the psalms. He never asked for anything. He was speaking to God as a worthy being as he was going to carry out as a worthy agent of progressive change that which god needed to be carried out in the world.
Moshe (Moses) and the burning bush
A self effulgent bush.
Smoke-less, heat-less, illuminating and radiating light at Moses. It was not a face, it was a bush as an expression of God.
“Remove your shoes” Moshe was told.

Art of Apostle Paul by Valentin de Boulogne, 17th century.
Music in this podcast episodeby Cracked Records, Bayswater and Aretha Franklin.
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