There is a certain beverage in Ayurveda which supersedes “superfood status” and offers an impressive spectrum of therapeutic benefits. This simple beverage is even categorised with “divine status.”
And the awesome part? This beverage is ridiculously simple to stir up.
The beverage is called “Takra” in Ayurveda, which refers to buttermilk or “thin lassi.”
Table of Contents
What is Takra?
Takra is the liquid that is left over from churning the butter out of fermented or cultured cream or yogurt. If cream is left out for a while the naturally occurring lactic acid-producing bacteria will lower the pH, making it more acidic, which then allows the fat/butter to separate.
Butter-milk is of 3 types:
From which fat is completely removed; – kapha, mandagni, low strength.
From which half of the fat is removed; – good for pitta, moderate power of agni, and if the patient has moderate strength.
From which fat is not at all removed. – vayu, strong agni, patient has enough strength.
Takra’s Tri-Doshic Effect
Thin lassi is known as one of the only foods that pacifies all doshic combinations (various body constitutions).
The Vedic Mythology of Takra / Thin Lassi
The Story of Lord Indra, Ahalyā and Maharishi Gautama:
Lord Indra impersonating the rishi to be able to lay with his wife, Ahalyā.
The vile curse of Maharishi Gautama, and how the Ashwini brothers declared takra to be the cure for it.
“Takram śakra Durlabham”
| Lord Indra can’t even get Takra.
Other Devatas missing out on Takra:
Indra, impersonating Gautama, and Ahalyā
Lassi is the antidote to the poison in Shiva’s throat (Nīla Kantha)
Ganesh wouldn’t have a belly if he drank lassi (it would help him digest, lose weight and be less bloated).
The Recipe for Thin Lassi
Mix one tablespoon of yoghurt with a cup of water, mix it with a fork, and drink.
The exact ideal ratio of yoghurt to water should be 1:14.
Those looking to make the takra a bit more thick can do a ratio of 1:6 or even 1:4.
Thick Lassi is great for those suffering from loose bowel motion/loose stools or diarrhoea.
Yoghurt used:
Homemade yoghurt – to learn how to make your own yoghurt check out the reel we posted on our Instagram page (@vitalveda).
Different ingredients to add:
Dried mango + cumin seeds roasted in ghee + buttermilk – best drink.
Milk and Lassi are always better to have with spices.
Anything but sour or fruit. Cocoa or carob.
Amla (Indian goose berry) or honey added to the yoghurt will counter the channel-blocking qualities in yoghurt.
Amla pickle – wait a year till they turn black
Rice + blended yoghurt + Amla pickle.
Thin Lassi for Dairy Intolerant People
Food intolerances are the product of an imbalanced digestive fire, also known as Agni 🔥.
To decide that one is going to stop eating a certain type of food merely because it cannot be digested properly is not a solution to the root problem.
The Agni needs to be enlivened in such a way that allows for the proper digestion of that food and then one can gradually re-introduce said food.
To read more about the Ayurvedic view on how to overcome food intolerances click here.
To learn more about how to use Ayurvedic principles to bring your Agni back to balance, check out our online course: “The Essence of Ayurvedic Nutrition”.
Takra, or Thin Lassi, is actually an excellent way to reintroduce dairy once the Agni has been brought back to balance.
You can prepare the lassi very thin and even add a pinch of salt.
Another option is to make the lassi, let the yogurt simmer to the bottom of the glass, and then drink only the water.
How Often Should One Drink Takra / Lassi
Lassi is described as Nitya Ahara | Nitya Sevaniya Ahara Dravya
Lassi is one of the foods that can be had every day.
Some Vaidyas even say it is mandatory to be had daily.
Contra-indications: Perhaps not for those with aggravated kapha, suffering of sinus congestion, or with strong dairy intolerance.
When to Drink it:
Especially during the summer, avoid during dinner, with lunch or as a snack.
The Difference Between Yoghurt and Thin Lassi
Atyanda (more) Abhishyandi (blocking).
One can eat it until 16-20 years old, past that point it is not advised.
Amla (Indian goose berry) or honey added to the yoghurt will counter the channel-blocking qualities in yoghurt.
Amla pickle – wait a year till they turn black
Rice + blended yoghurt + Amla pickle.
Benefits of Takra / Thin Lassi
“Those who daily take takra do get sick not have diseases, and any disease cured from takra will not return. Have no doubt that what Amrita is the Nectar of the Devata, so Takra is the Nectar to Humans.”
~ BhavaPrakash Nigantu
“Pharmacy in a glass”~ Vaidya JR Raju.
- Eyes:
- Good for itchy eyes, sore eyes, tired eyes; even for those suffering from degenerative eye diseases.
- Good for itchy eyes, sore eyes, tired eyes; even for those suffering from degenerative eye diseases.
- Skin:
- Good for eczema, psoriasis, general inflammation, dermatitis, acne and several other skin diseases.
- It brings a moist glow to the skin.
- Pitta Shamaka:
- Very hydrating & cooling.
- Protects against heat strokes, hot flashes & other heat-related ailments.
- Digestion:
- Lactic acid bacteria:
- Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) help ‘pre-digest’ your food and also add the bacteria’s digestive metabolites to the food. Pre-digestion makes the foods digestion much easier and brings far more nutrients into the body.
- And the bacteria metabolites, which is basically bacteria poop has incredible health benefits since it includes enzymes, antibodies, vitamins, exopolysaccharides, and more!
Detoxifies the GIT.
Alkaline drink.
Increases absorption of nutrients.
Good post surgery / pancakarma / rehabilitating gut
Adoption of this procedure will promote and maintain his energy, maintain the kāyāgni and promote his strength, plumpness and complexion.
- Lactic acid bacteria:
Helps regulate optimal weight.
To loose weight – drink takra
To put on weight – add sugar, rose water, cardamom and make it sweet.
Spoon off the foamy stuff (part that clogs peoples body, like the foam of ghee).
Leave the foam in for weak/debilitated or emaciated people.
- Buttermilk cleanses the srotas as a result of which rasa reaches appropriately.
- More benefits:
- Hair health – good for thinning hair, greying of hair and baldness.
- Hair health – good for thinning hair, greying of hair and baldness.
- In this cases, pitta (fire element) is burning the hair follicles.
- Keeping veins and arteries clear
- Kill viruses
- Hemorrhoids / piles
“There is no medicine, better than butter-milk, for the cure of piles caused by the predominance of aggravated vayu and kapha” – Caraka, Cikitsa Sthana
- Asthma: add to the Takra mostly fenugreek (also mustard seeds + cumin seeds) cooked in ghee or mustard oil in an iron pot.
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