The most dangerous pollution affecting you, and especially your baby!, is the invisible ocean of nnEMFs that your baby is swimming in each day and each night!
You DO NOT want your baby to be sleeping with most baby monitors.
Exposure to microwave radiation from mobile phones, cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers, smart meters, baby monitors and other wireless devices causes serious mitochondrial dysfunction due to free radical damage. MWR is a Class 2B (possible) carcinogen. (We know it is).
Excessive free radicals triggered by microwave exposure has been linked to anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, cardiac disease, depression and infertility.
In fact, Harvard Medical School researcher and clinician, Dr. Martha Herbert links nnEMF exposure during pregnancy to the development of an autistic child. But we will leave pregnancy and EMF for another video and article.
Most Conventional Baby Monitors Emit Worrying High Doses of nnEMF, even when on standby.

Babies Brains are Especially Vulnerable to nnEMF
- Babies’ brains absorb 60% more wireless radiation than adults due to their thinner skulls and more absorbent brain tissue.(1,2)
- Smaller head = shorter distance from skull to brain. Less roadblocks (our brain is actually very good at blocking radiation).
- Research shows that children can absorb up to 10x the radiation in the bone marrow of their skulls than adults.(2)
- Babies brains develop rapidly during childhood. Disruption of brain development during this early age of incredible growth and plasticity can cause significant neurological impacts later on in life.(2)
- Children have a higher amount of water in their brains and bodies. Remember, electricity travels quicker through water. nnEMF travels more intensely through babies brain tissues.
- Children have more active stem cells in their bodies. Studies show that out of all the cells in our body, stem cells are the most sensitive and reactive to microwave radiation.(3) Stem Cell disruption may create significant imbalance in DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) repair and severe stress responses. This is important for cancer risk and prevention, particularly various leukemias.(3)
How Bad Baby Monitors Actually Are
According to PowerWatch, a baby monitor placed 1m from a baby’s crib emits the same amount of radiation as a cell tower that is 45m away.
The radiation can be double to that of a wifi router.
Baby monitors have to constantly transmit data from the camera (or microphone) to the monitor, they are constantly emitting radio waves, sometimes as often as 100 times a second.
Choosing a Safe Baby Monitor
Most baby monitors disclose but hide the potential hazards of wireless technology in a fine print caution on packaging.
Let’s get real, while it’s nearly impossible to avoid EMF exposure completely, there are practical and easy ways to limit it!
You could get a wired baby monitor, that is certainly low. But wired is limiting in how far you can be away from where your baby is sleeping.
Audio only, without a camera, is also great as it is less EMF.
Check out building biologist Oram Miller investigating and measuring baby monitors HERE.
- Absorption of wireless radiation in the child versus adult brain and eye from cell phone conversation or virtual reality
- Microwaves from Mobile Phones Inhibit 53BP1 Focus Formation in Human Stem Cells More Strongly Than in Differentiated Cells: Possible Mechanistic Link to Cancer Risk
- Health effects of electromagnetic fields on children –
- Why children absorb more microwave radiation than adults: The consequences –
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