Building Biology: How the Human Environment Affects Human Health.
We take care of our biology and our human skin.
But what about the skin that we reside in, that we live, work and sleep in!
The skin of a building that most of us spend 20+ hours a day in!
Healthy Home Expert, Nicole Bijlsma is a building biologist, bestselling author, PhD candidate and CEO of the Australian College of Environmental Studies (RTO 21740) which she established in 1999 to educate people about the health hazards in the built environment. Nicole has published in peer-reviewed journals, has written extensively for Body+Soul newspaper, is regularly consulted by the media to discuss electromagnetic fields and toxic chemicals, and lectures in Australia and internationally at medical conferences about environmental health issues. Nicole and her husband Mark manufacture the Abode® cleaning product range (health food store brand) which was developed for people with skin and chemical sensitivities.
Building biology – how the human environment affects human health.
Nicole’s story – 10 miscarriages and insomnia due to sleeping next to a smart meter.
The bedroom as the most important room we address when accessing the biology of a building.
EMF and Blue light suppress melatonin, it tricks you’re body thinking its day when its night.
What proper sleep actually means.
The importance of paying attention to home appliances, like a solar panel inverter.
Solar Panels & EMF
Improper set up of solar panels emits very high AC electric field and leaks dirty electricity.
Safe set up of solar panels – round shielded cabling which includes both active and neutral wire together. Have metal foil within the shielded cabling and earthing it properly.
4 types of EMF:
- AC Electric Fields – created from voltage, electricity under pressure.
- AC Magnetic Fields – created from the current. Movement of electrons from building wiring and appliances.
- Radio Frequencies – wireless devices.
- Dirty electricity – high-frequency spikes.
Metal as an antenna to EMF, e.g. metal titanium in your body, surgical steel wires, metal in the mouth,
Mass Experiment
We have never exposed humanity from cradle to the grave to this amount of radiation.
In the last three decades, we have significantly increased our exposure to man-made EMF one trillion times higher than when our grandparents were children. And that’s before 5G network has been turned on. What is about to happen has never been seen before.
- Nicole believes may not work because to many trees will have to be cut down since trees block the short-wave signals.
- Instantly kills insects.
- Not about public health, it’s about dividends for shareholders of the telecommunication industry.
- 5th Generation for the fourth industrial revolution to support artificial intelligence.
- In 2011, the WHO classified radio frequencies from all wireless devices (induing cellphones) as group 2B carcinogen (potentially can cause cancer).
- In 2002 the WHO classified magnetic fields from anything that draws current as group 2B carcinogen.
- Sweat ducts in your skin act as an antenna to EMF and impacts the nervous system.
- Fatigue, waking up tired.
- Headaches.
- Increased risk of fibromyalgia.
- Increases dyslexia, missing words.
These signals (EMF) communicate with our mitochondria and cause mitochondria dysfunction. It is a mitochondrial poison.
EMF Pathology
EMF starts calcium influx which activates the sympathetic nervous system (“Flight or Fight”) and destroys mitochondria function. Studies show even low-level EMF causes this. You don’t need to have an argument with your family to get stressed, EMF will do it to you!
EMF causes calcium e-flux which causes mitochondrial swelling.
Adrenal stress index is thrashed.
Cell phones 12 feet away activates the sympathetic nervous system.
Near exposure – 52cm from a 2.4 Ghz source.
Calcium Influx
- EMFs activate voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) – in the outer membrane that surround all our cells.
- When they are activated they open up, allow excess calcium to flow into the cell.
- There are hundreds of studies that show when you expose cells to EMFs there is increased intra-cellular calcium and increased calcium signalling.
- This causes molecular biological trauma.
- When there’s excess calcium in the cell, it increases levels of both nitric oxide (NO) and superoxide. While NO has many beneficial health effects, massively excessive amounts of it reacts with superoxide, forming peroxynitrite, which is an extremely potent oxidant stressor.
- Peroxynitrites, in turn, break down to form excessive reactive free radicals, which does damage.
EMF radiation activates the VGCCs in the outer cell membrane, triggering a chain reaction of devastating events that, ultimately:
- Decimates your mitochondrial function (causes them to swell), cell membranes and cellular proteins.
- Causes severe cellular damage.
- Results in DNA breaks.
- Dramatically accelerates your ageing process. Ageing = oxidative stresses and inflammation.
- Puts you at higher risk for chronic disease. Chronic diseases = stresses and inflammation.
VGCCs Highest Concentrated in the Body
Nervous System and Brain
- VGCCs – highest density is located in the nervous system.
- A study showed the nervous system and brain was the #1 organ most sensitive to EMF. Massive changes in the structure of the neurons, dysfunction of synapses.
- Consequences: anxiety and depression, alzheimer’s and autism.
- The heart is also sensitive. The pacemaker cells
- Consequences: Tachycardia, heart palpitations (PAC or PVC), cardiac arrhythmia, arterial fibrillation.
- They have important locations in reproduction – in both testicles (studies a lot) and ovaries.
- Evidence showed male and female infertility.
- Reduce sperm count 2x more in western countries than eastern.
- Phone in pockets, laptops on laps are zapping genitals.
Suppress Melatonin
EMF and blue light suppress melatonin – the most anti-cancer neurotransmitter and powerful anti-oxidant you have!
Enhances Permeability of the BBB and Tight Junctions
BBB (Blood Brain Barrier)
Tight Junction (barrier in the cell junction).
Using a cellphone close to your head for at least 30mins / day for 10 years increases your incidence for brain tumor by 270%.
Takes 15-20 years to develop! Accumulative effect.
Our exposure to mould, chemicals, prevalent and inevitable toxins are increased as we become more vulnerable.
This is why EMF sensitivity is identical to chemical sensitivity and mould illnesses.
Add in the fact that we are “pre-polluted” – biotoxins and chemicals are granted free entry into the CNS.
In 2004, researches found an average of 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants in umbilical cord from babies born in US hospitals. ~ WWF 2005, Canada.
What was meant to be cord-blood rich in immune-boosting stem cells, contained pesticides, consumer product ingredients and waste from burning coal, gasoline and garbage.
Alzheimers (Neuro-degenerative disease)
Alley Yohansen – key editor of the journal of patho-phyioslogy. Kawolonksher institute.
A Swedish study in 2005 looked at different villages in parts of Sweden where they looked at homes which have high radiation and looked at homes with low radiation.
Matched a map of these with a map of Alzheimers disease and found an absolute direct correlation.
Half of the population alive right now will die with Alzheimers disease.
Alhoansen said in 2006 if we don’t change our environment there will be an epidemic of brain-related disorders. And they have. It is only going to increase dramatically if people don’t protect themselves.
ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
Motor neurone disease.
ALS patients die within 2 years of diagnose. Now on par with MS.
Latency Periods and Accumulative Effect of Toxins
Chemical and EMF sensitivity as a biomarker, warning and blessing to move away from that poison before it causes chronic disease.
Exposing to EMF for more than 2 hours a day for 5-10 years causes the biological effects.
The latest mobile nation report in Australia 2019 showed the average Australian spends 3 hours a day on electronic devices.
The chemical abstract service – the worlds largest data base.
Over 145 million chemicals are registered for use, 90% have never been tested for human health.
Near Fields of EMF:
4 wavelengths away form the source. Thus depends on the source.
50cm away from a 2.4GhZ router.
Double your distance away form the source and you reduce your exposure from 70%.
- Don’t put your cellphone next to your head, “keep it away from your person” as the telecommunication industries specify in their product instructions.
- Use an air tube headpiece.
- Use loudspeaker.
- Text instead of talking.
- Only use in a good reception and when bars are full.
- Turn Bluetooth and data OFF when you are not using it.
- Use aeroplane mode more often.
- Get rid of any wireless, bluetooth earphones like Apple AirPods.
- Revolutionise and switch your wifi for ethernet (cable plug in).
- Power down your wifi router.
- Switch off your wifi router at the power at night when you are not using it.
- Abhyanga to create a shield of armour.
The microwave oven effect in our living bedrooms – The dangers of incorrect shielding of rooms or homes.
Voltage Strength Comparisons
The Natural Voltage in the Atmosphere (Schulman Resonance) – 7.83 Hz – 100Hz per second.
The Voltage of 3G and Current Wifi – 2.45 GHz (2.45 billion hertz).
The Voltage of 5G – 10 – 80 GHz.
Countries Taking Action Against 5G
- Austria was progressive.
- France limited wireless use in schools.
- Brussels, Belgium became the first major city in the world to halt 5G development on the basis that its “citizens were not to be used as guinea pigs.”
- The Netherlands switches their 5G structure on in one suburb and birds died instantly, so they stopped their 5G rollout.
- Florence, Italy banned it.
If you want to take action against 5G, Join your local STOP 5G groups – search that on facebook and find the groups.
EMF Meters – How to read EMF and experiment yourself.
PEMF (pulsated electromagnetic fields) devices, stickers on phones. – Do they really mitigate harmful non-native EMF? Nicole thinks they are bullshit because she cannot measure differences with them and has not seen sufficient evidence.
Seperate your garage from the rest of your house
Obnoxious gasses and traffic pollutants seep from the car into the house. Even after the car is switched off.
- Lead is found in most lipsticks, even organic ones because the pigments are mined from the ground.
- Pregnant women and women in reproductive age should not wear coloured lipsticks.
- Cotton – the dirtiest crop out there.
- Over 95% of conventional cotton has glyphosate.
- Into the permeable vagina monthly.
- Polyester – derived from petroleum. Can potentially have heavy metals.
- “Fragrances” – can be a thousand different chemicals.
- Dioxin – a toxic by-product. Next to glyphosate one of the most dangerous chemicals in existence.
- Biological effects – endometriosis, infertility, immune disruptions, pelvic inflammatory disease, diabetes, birth defects, breast cancer, reproductive cancer.
- Glyphosate – hormone disrupting, disrupts your nerves, inflammatory. Found in 85% of tampons (Argentina study).
The Menstrual Cycle – An Important Detoxification Process
It should be honoured with warm and iron-rich foods.
Bone Broths – know your bones – Bones can hold onto lead.
The new asbestos. Pandemic across the world.
Cause of mould – moisture.
- Micro-organisms require food and moisture to thrive.
- Up to 50% of indoor environments in Australia are affected by dampness, which is the prime condition for mould growth.
- Once moisture sits on a surface for more than 48 hours, the microbes on the surface will attempt to take over the space by producing endotoxins, mycotoxins (toxic substance produced by a fungus) and microbial Volatile (easily evaporated) Organic Compounds (by-products) which can dramatically impact the indoor air quality and affect the health of the occupants.
Food for mould – Pre-digested particle board and cheap timbers has become the perfect fast food for mould rather than natural building materials like hardwood timbers that naturally contain resins that are resistant to fungal attack.
Mould can multiply itself in the presence of EMF.
24% of the population cannot create antibodies to mould; so every time they go into a water-damaged building, it results in inflammation in their brain and their body which can be misdiagnosed as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or even worse, a mental illness
Mould is a detoxification issue.
Some biological effects of mould exposure:
- Reoccurring colds
- Developing pneumonia in a healthy person.
- Find a building biologist to assess your home and offer advice.
- Healthy Home, Healthy Family – a bible for every home. Book by Nicole.
- Loads more info. on Nicole’s Buildingg Biology Website
- Learn Self-Abhyanga Oil Massage to protect from EMF, Free Poster.
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