Quantum healing: The deeper reality of mind-body medicine and the influence of consciousness on our biology. Learn how to enliven this place within us for profound and even miraculous healings.
How to create comfort for your body so that it can heal itself.
Infertility: An epidemic that can certainly be conquered (simply).
Join Royal Physician Dr. Doja Purkit as he shares many simple and practical techniques that you can easily integrate into your life.
Doja Purkit is a leading expert in the field of Ayurvedic medicine and alternative medicine.
He is a consultant and head of the Ayurvedic department at the London Hale Clinic, a world-renowned clinic for alternative and complementary medicine.
Doja’s intimate and basic approach to individualised and personalised treatments make him a saviour for royalty, rock stars and celebrities that live harsh lifestyles.
Dr. Doja Purkit qualified and trained in India, Hong Kong and England. He has been practising Ayurvedic medicine, Marma Treatment, Acupuncture, Homoeopathy and preventive rejuvenation health care for the past 26 years.
He conducted research into stroke rehabilitation with the Hammersmith Hospital.
He founded The Vital Life: a company that produces pure, natural and handmade health, beauty and wellbeing products.
Doja believes that health belongs to you and is your birthright. That knowledge, wisdom and a sense of realisation of oneself are vital for good health and longevity.

Creating comfort for the human body to heal itself.
Doja’s 3 Influential Factors for Healing Any Problem:
- Peace of Mind
- Good circulation – abhyanga, exercise
- Healthy detoxification mechanisms – diet.
Doja’ intimate approach to individualised healing
Personally treating each patient including all body treatments. Maximising Soma (flow of consciousness).
Absorbing the karma and disease from patients. The karma has to go somewhere.
- Animals are fantastic at absorbing negative death energy.
- The Vaidya (physician) having a big stomach like a Buddha to absorb the negative energy.
Simple Healing Technique for after a Divorce
Nourishing food.
Basic healing to access the quantum level of healing.
Then you can heal any level of disease in anyone.
The epidemic of Infertility.
Causes of Infertility (female):
- Unclean ovaries.
- Uncomfortable body.
- Impatience.
- Woman’s overdrive and over zealousness increasing masculine hormones and reducing female hormones.
Symptoms of Female Infertility:
- Irregular menstruation
- Overweight
- Hormonal imbalance
- Loss of hair
- Excessive facial hair – related to PCOS.
- Emotional issues
- Immune system dysfunction
- Endometriosis
- Obesity
- Pelvic inflammation
- Excessive toxins – If you are doubting your actions in life, your probably have excess toxins.
Infertility Treatment:
- Make comfortable and ensure Doja’s 3 Influential Factors for Healing.
- Cleanse ovaries (females) and prostate (man) through herbs, and breathing exercises (pranayama).
- Aloes Compound by Alarsin – 2 tabs 2-3x/day from the first day of cycle till 14 days.
- Practice patience – the female should do be in silence and do nothing after dinner for one hour for 40 days. This was a method that Gandhi and Nelson Mandela practised and helped them succeed. Doja has seen success with this in his patients.
- Frog pose (yoga asana) – 10 breaths 3x/day. Improves survival energy.
- Marma behind ankle for ovulation – massage.
- Humming bee noise. – 10x. Good to deal with emotions.
- Boost lymphatic system with self-abhyanga.
- Turmeric to reduce inflammation including pelvic inflammation.
- Alternating between hot (40 degrees max) and cold (room temperature, 20 degrees) bath – stimulate circulation and prana to reproductive organs with contraction and friction.
- Spray Rosewater on ovaries and abdomen to moisturise. (Use pure rose water).
- Read pregnancy magazines, books, photos and be around babies and children.
Most Important Tips for Infertility:
- 1 hour Silence and rest after dinner.
- Don’t sleep during day-time.
- Before going to bed, wash face, hands and feet. – take away most of the bodies dead cells. Create freshness for the mind to communicate more effectively with the uterus.
At Home Detox Procedure
Mono-food diet for 5 days. Same breakfast meal for 5 days, same lunch meal for 5 days and the same dinner for 5 days.
Treatment for Polycystic Ovaries
Conium (Homeopathic tablet) – 2 tabs 2x/day for 60 days.
Why Females Live Longer Than Males
Because they wash their hands and feet.
Consider infections like UTIs as an obstacle for infertility.
Bangshil Tablets (by Alarsin pharmacy), 2 tabs 2x/day before meals for 10 days.
Panchakarma – Ayurvedic detox and rejuvenation program
Liver – The commander of the body. Cleanse the liver for fertility.
Shirodhara – An Ayurvedic treatment to produce peace in the mind.
Diet for Fertility:
- Pumpkin, soup.
- Fresh green vegetables.
- Fish (avoid fish high in mercury).
- Yoghurt (during day-time only).
- Almond milk and goats milk (boiled).
- Avoid – fried food, spinach, chocolate.
Marma Therapy
- Places in the physiology where highest consciousness is located.
- Pulse diagnosis to detect blocked marmas.
- The dangers and sensitivity of marma therapy.
- Abhyanga (oil massage) to moisturise, activate and give comfort to the marmas.
- Balance and comfort them. Open and unblock marmas where consciousness does not flow.
- Marma takes a minimum of 7 years learning.
Knuckle Marma Points to Remove Memories of Disease and Fever
Dr. Doja Purkit demonstrates how to do Marma massage on the knuckles and hands to remove deep-seated memories that are obstacles to good health.
After removing these memories, whether they are traumas, deep-seated emotions or physiological habits, the quantum healing will enliven and this can heal anything.
This marma massage is also effective during fever.
Instructions – Do for 10 minutes (5 minutes each hand) during fever. (see video).
Here Dr. Doja is using his special tool (which you can hear about on the podcast episode with him).
Third Eye (Ajna) Marma Massage for Stress
Dr. Doja Purkit demonstrates how to massage your third eye (Ajna marma point/chakra) to release stress.
– Use the middle finger of your right hand.
– It is recommended to do this practice in private.
– It is good if you apply some massage oil then do this.
(see video demonstration).
Doja’s Special Healing Stones
- Dojas special stones from Himalayan masters that he uses as a medical instrument.
- To remove the memory of disease and enliven quantum level of consciousness.
- The power of subtle healing.
- Doja occasionally prescribes these stones for patients to swallow in special cases.
- They unify energy – unify positive and negative energy, thus helps in addictions.
- Stones are what solidified the planet.
Foot massage for bliss.
Daily foot massage to promote bliss (quantum level) to ultimately eradicate all disease.
Why Famous People Die Early
Because they live extreme life and live out of tune with nature. Excess blue light, not sleeping at proper times etc.
Stroke Rehabilitation
Doja’s research at Hammersmith hospital showed a 90-95% success result, mainly through marma massage.
Re-enlivening the mind-body communication pathways.

see above.
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