Throughout evolution, exposure to sunlight and the photosynthesis of vitamin D has been critically important for the evolution of land vertebrates. But all of a sudden in the past few decades, we have been burying the Sun from our lives while simultaneously increasing our exposure to artificial light. Could this be a foundational mistake for our health? Has the status quo’s fear of the sun been blown out of proportion?
Circadian medicine won the most recent Nobel Peace Prize saying that a resolution towards chronic disease is to live in-tune with our natural circadian rhythms. Simply, ‘go back to nature’ is now the prescription for healing. Dylan and Laura will share how to work with the Sun to optimise your health and immune system, so you can re-establish this important and foundational human-Sun relationship.
This recording is from a talk where Laura interviewed Dylan in Melbourne in September 2018.
Laura Poole is a Vedic meditation teacher, speaker, writer and community builder. She has trained intensively over the past decade with great masters in Australia, India and the United States. Based in Melbourne, Laura shares the wisdom of Vedic meditation, Vedanta and Ayurveda, making it relevant for living in today’s world. She is a truly dedicated leader and entrepreneur in the Melbourne meditation space, inspiring people to take care of their mental and physical health while encouraging them to make a real difference in the world.
Laura is the founder of Mahasoma – a movement that is creating a new cultural narrative through the embodiment of wisdom and practice. She was also an original co-founder/co-creator of 1 Giant Mind Australia and its free ‘Learn to Meditate’ app.
How Dylan became fascinated and in love with the sun.
Forming a relationship with the sun.
- Like any sentient being, we are in a reciprocal relationship. We need to reciprocally give our attention and energy in order to obtain the benefits that the sun offers.
- Practices to form a relationship with the sun for a mutual exchange of attention, awareness and admiration.
- Surya Namaskar: Sun Salutation, a devotional practice to Surya (sun).
Circadian Medicine – What the latest Nobel prize was won for. Circadian Rhythms: living in tune with natures cycles and your own biological cycles. This is Ayurveda 101. This had the Ayurvedic community laughing but also provided well over-due relief. The Nobel prize was won for such fundamental natural law (Veda) because the prescription for healing the epidemic of chronic disease is to live in tune with nature.
The Vedic worldview.
The sun as a sentient being and one of the supreme forms of nature.
The Personality of the Sun:
- Very consistent: always on time, unconditionally showing up.
- Fiery, Heat
- Energy
- Power
- Generous – Gives life unconditionally to everyone.
- Central – everything is moving around it.
- Illuminating – allows us to see. Gives us the capability to illuminate ideas within our own mind.
The Lighting Crisis: Burying the sun from our lives and replacing this with artificial blue light.
The sun providing the body with energy by generating DC electric current and activating mitochondria function.
Receiving an Altered Spectrum of Light
The problem with sunscreen, windows and glasses – you are blocking particular spectrums of light, so the light hitting you is an altered spectrum of light that is not holistic and causes damage.
The eyes as a seat of pitta (fire/metaboliser).
The importance of melatonin: “The king of hormones.”
Our Mistaken Fear of the Sun
Especially in Australia. Breaking free of social conditioning, questioning science and thinking clinically.
Why the Sun Rarely Causes Skin Cancer
Dermatologists can’t explain the growth in melanoma because while melanoma is increasing, our exposure to the sun is reducing.
The difference between morning and evening light spectrums.
Under Active Thyroid – A common problem. Thyroid hormones are created by the pituitary gland which is turned on by light.
The Vital Time for Sleep: 10pm-2am
Absorbing micro-nutrients from food, regulating hormones.
The Influence of LED Lights (Screens, Lights) and Light Temperatures on our Hormones
Hacking our Computer and Phone Screens to Reduce Light Temperature for Hormonal Health
- Phone: Change your light temperature on your phone setting to “most warm” and have it one 24/7.
- Computer: Iris software as a shield for your computer screen.
The Epidemic of Eye Diseases: Pre mature-blindness, macular degeneration, dry eyes.
Practices to mitigate these issues.
Nasya (Nasal Drops) – Medicated Oil to sniff up into the brain to lubricate the whole head, neck and throat. Detoxifies and rejuvenates the pineal gland. Learn more.
Blue Light Blocking Glasses
Detoxifying Fluoride and Excess Calcium from the Pineal Gland
Structured Water
Re-structure your drinking and bathing water back towards water’s natural molecular state for proper hydration and detoxification functions.
- Check out the Water Restructuring Units from Super Health Water. Mention Vital Veda to get a discount.
- Olinda Spring – Spring water delivery in Melbourne.
- Go harvest your own spring water. Find a local spring here.
Building Biology
Recognising not just the biology of your skin, but the outer skin of what we live and spend time in (buildings and environments).
Skin Physiology and why blind people still have light and dark cycles.
Melanopsin and photoreceptors in our skin that sense light without seeing, that metabolise light, circadian rhythms and that initiate melatonin production.
Self-Abhyanga (Self-Ayurvedic Massage)
- An essential practice of anointing your body with oil and giving massage.
- Benefits: Pacifies nervous system, move the lymph, enhances blood circulation, improves skin physiology, feeding skin micro-biology and more.
- Download your free self-abhyanga poster here.
The Second Brain: The Gut
The enteric nervous system. Relax your belly, allow it to be soft.
The Third Brain: The Skin
A highly complex structure.
The sense of Touch (Sparsha Indriya)
Vitamin D
- 85% of the world is deficient in Vitamin D.
- Why Oral Vitamin D is not as adequate of the sun.
The Importance of Preventive of Medicine
Due to the epidemic of chronic disease.
Heliotherapy (Sun Therapy) and UV Light Therapy
How to Safely Protect your Self From Excess Sun
How to Implement Sun in Your Life
Building sun exposure and tolerance.
Pink Skin from the Sun is Good
Dermal pooling – red blood cells coming to the surface to absorb UV for prana (life-force) and energy.
Red Skin and Burning from the Sun is Not Good
What to do If you live in a dark country
Grounding to the earth’s current.
Photo-Electric Effect – Light is stored in water and in food.
Sun Gazing
Go in the sun, then eat the natural foods.
Full Moon Energy
Excess blue light triggers activity from “Lunatics” and causes higher crime rates during full moon.
The Power of Afternoon/Evening Sun
Vedic Meditation as one of the most evolutionary things one can do for their health.
Tongue Scraping for removing toxins.
Convenience Overriding Health
Relationships – We in relationships with everything in life, but what type of relationship is this.
Mahasoma – Creating a new cultural narrative.
Further podcasts and reading about the sun – any podcast that interviews Dr Jack Kruse.
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