article updated April 2021.
The initial 40 days+ after delivery are of immense importance. Both the mother and baby need special attention and care. Ayurveda explains in great detail methods for mother care and baby up-bringing at this vital postpartum time which determines the future health of the newly arrived guest. Here is a detailed post natal care plan.
Immediate Vata and Hormonal Imbalance
After birth, the mother’s hormones are usually erratic. Vata, which governs the nervous system and movement (movement of body fluids, neurotransmitters, hormones, blood and lymph circulation, elimination of wastes) in the body immensely increases. This is because all of a sudden after womb evacuation a vacuum of space has manifested (vata is predominately space).
Mum needs deep rejuvenation & strength to provide the baby with much required immunity, strength, pure and nutritious breast milk and of course, love.
To help mothers achieve optimal physical, metal and emotional health, we have formulated a post-natal care plan that starts after birth and can continue until the baby becomes a young child.
This post-natal care plan is detailed. Choose which aspects you want to implement, but note the essential recommendations.
One can start this post natal care plan at anytime along the journey.
In order after baby exits the womb:
The Importance of Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping
At the moment of birth, approximately one-third of a baby’s blood remains outside their body, within the placenta and umbilical cord. Delaying cord clamping for just 90 seconds can significantly benefit the baby by allowing this blood to transfer into their body, increasing their blood volume by up to 60% (Midwife360).
Key Benefits of Delayed Cord Clamping:
- Increased Blood Volume: A study found that delaying cord clamping for just 5 minutes increased blood volume by 61%, amounting to 166 ml of additional blood for a 3.5 kg infant (Medicover Hospitals).
- Iron Stores: The extra blood provides enough iron to sustain the baby through their first year, reducing the risk of iron deficiency and anemia (Dr. Green Mom).
- Stem Cells: This transfusion delivers hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), which are crucial for lifelong blood production and tissue repair (Midwife360).
- White Blood Cells and Antibodies: The transfer also includes immune-boosting white blood cells and antibodies, providing early protection against infections.
Even if a family does not opt for a full Lotus Birth (where the cord is left intact until it naturally falls off, a beautiful procedure), delaying cord clamping for at least 90 seconds—or ideally 3–5 minutes—can make a significant difference. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) now recommends delayed cord clamping for at least 30–60 seconds in both term and preterm infants to maximize these benefits (ACOG).
By allowing this natural process to unfold, parents can give their newborns a powerful start in life, rich in vital nutrients, stem cells, and immune support.
2. Ayurvedic Immunisation Program
Swarna Prasha: This is the most special Ayurvedic immunisation program of special herbs processed in a special way.
Suggested use of Swarna Prasha Drops:
- First 3 days of baby’s life: 1 drop on the lips.
- Day 3-27 of baby’s life: 1 drop in the mouth daily
- Month 2: 2 drops in the mouth daily
- Month 3: 3 drops in the mouth daily
- Month 4: 4 drops in the mouth daily
- Month 5: 5 drops in the mouth daily
- etc… continue until
- Month 12: 12 drops in the mouth daily.
- After 1 year old: 12 drops in the mouth daily for 7 days per month, starting each cycle on Pusya Naksatra.
- Continue until early teenage years.
If you cannot afford this daily program, you can instead administer for 7 days each month, instead of everyday.
Pusya Drops: Essential herbal drops to boost the immunity and build the tissues of babies and children. Precious formula of rare herbs. Can be given until the child’s teenage years.
Swarna Prasa Pusya: Honey and Gold purified ash (swarna bhasma) is prepared and processed in a highly complex method using high-quality ingredients. This is a very special preparation.
(Swarna prasa is superior).
To administer: Mum or dad dab their right finger in a little swarna prasa and put it in babies mouth.
Time to administer: This is given to the baby after being born to imbue immunity actively through the senses. It can be given 2x on the first day.
Then this immunisation may be continued daily for childhood. Or it can be given 7 days/month beginning on pusyami naksatra (constellation).
3. Breastfeeding
First right breast, then left. Within 1-4 hours or ideally less.
4. Oil Massage
Massage the baby from head to toe with oil. Leave oil on for approx. 45 mins before bath.
Oils used: Vital Veda Baby Abhyanga Oil, cold-pressed extra-virgin coconut or olive oil.
Check out our free Self-Massage Poster to get an idea of how to give baby massage.
Start Baby-Abhyanga after day 11. You may start before if you to start before, please consult
5. Bath
Bath (luke warm) and baby abhyanga (oil massage) are the two most important rituals for the baby as they are growing up.
Day 1 – Just wipe baby, not bath.
Day 2 onwards – can shower the baby with mum in arms.
6. Baby Mantra
Parents whisper a mantra (primordial sound) into the baby’s ear to induct the baby into the world. This primordial sound is familiar to the baby to ensure “don’t worry, you have arrived into a vedic family, you will be enlightened, we will give you knowledge for enlightenment. Relax, you can be a baby now.”
Get your baby mantra from a Vedic Meditation teacher.
Optional Gold Ornamentation: Put gold ring on the right ear, then on left and then chant the baby mantra.
7. Wrap Baby
After the baby has finished bath, wrap baby in silk or muslin cloth completely. Especially cover ears. Only expose the eyes and nose.
Holding The Baby
According to the aboriginal culture, similar to the Ayurvedic view, the newborn is always held close to the mother’s heart to promote belonging. This prevents blueprinting anxiety on the child which can occur after taking the baby away from the mother like in some hospital circumstances.
According to aboriginal culture, the newborn stays “glued” to the mother for a few days, and only after then does mum introduce the newborn to the immediate family for it to smell, hear and feel it’s intimate family.
Herbal Support
Balant Kadha / Post-Natal Tonic (Herbal Drink)
A particular fermented herbal preperation (asava) called Balant Kadha is taken once by mum for thirty days to balance the vata, hormones and more.
This tonic relives weakness, body ache, constipation and cough. Increases appetite, energy, strength and nutritious milk. Tones up blood circulation and helps for the formation of new blood cells.
Time to take: This decoction is ideally taken the day of or the day after giving birth. Even if mum missed that (ie. is reading this article post-delivery), this herb is still highly beneficial and can performs similar action if started up until the baby is 6 months old. This is probably the most important and crucial herb.
Day 1-10: BK1 – 2tsp 2x/day after food.
Day 11-20: BK2 – 2tsp 2x/day after food.
Day 21-32: BK3 – 2tsp 2x/day after food.
If still after taking Balant Kadha more Vata reducing is to be done (to be assessed by practitioner or doctor), mum may take 5tsp of Dasmula Arista (Das M Arishtam) 2x/day after meals.
Gallakol Lactation Tablets (Lactation Booster)
Increases lactation and purifies breast milk.
This herbal nutritive tonic can be taken by the mother even if breast milk is slightly not 100%, thus good to have on you incase.
Dosage: 2 tabs 2-4x /day before meals or as needed.
Sutika Yog
Helps the postpartum mother (sūtikā) rejuvenate physically and emotionally.
Helps with postpartum depression and anxiety. Works on balancing all the doshas, especially vata. Helps with balancing and mitigating grahas (imbalanced and sometimes dark energies) that may affect baby and mother.
Dosage: 2 tabs 2-4x /day before meals or as needed.
Post Natal Care (Continued)
8. First 11 Days
For next 11 days you need to be extra careful.
Emulate the womb environment as the baby transitions into the world.
You can give baby oil massage and bathe gently (no bath on day 1, only wipe) if recommended by Vaidya or quality Ayurvedic practitioner.
Or better wait till day 7 or 11 for baby abhyanga.
No oil massage for mother unless recommended by the Vaidya or quality Ayurvedic practitioner until day 7 or 11.
After day 11, mother can start self-abhyanga, and avagāha (Sitz Batz) with vata shamaka herbs and shodana vati powder, even during bleeding and especially on pains of the body.
Svedana (Sweating Treatments) – like steam or sauna for mother should be careful, and keep the yoni area cool.
Good to use vata shamaka herbs during steam therapies.
Need to monitor mum – how much blood or fluids are discharging from vagina? Fever, pain, body temperatures will fluctuate for mother. This will determine when she can start abhyanga. Mum may start abhyanga by a practitioner after 21 days. After 3 months if c-section.
After the 11th day daily baby-massage is essential.
9. Skin Paste for Baby Girls
Skin Paste: Channa flour, turmeric + perfumery herbs (sandalwood, rose, usheera). Everyday after massage, before bath. Leave skin paste on for at least for 15-20 mins. To remove toxins and prevent body hair growth.
10. Clothes
For the first 21 days, new born wears clothes of other babies that have good karma.
11. Intimacy Between Mum and Baby
For 7-13 days, mum and baby should be alone in the room. Only people who are serving and helping can enter. This is to develop a profound intimacy, trust and prevent anxiety.
For the first 40 days, mum and baby continue this and hardly go out of the house. They should remain cocooned and protected in their room. Only people who are very close, who are serving and who have bathed and are pure can visit.
Co-Sleeping – Sleep close with the baby in the same bed, even till they are 4 years old to a young teenager. This helps prevent anxiety and promotes a significant bond.
12. Naming Ceremony
Done on the 11th or 21st day (Nama Karana).
13. Piercing Ears
Piece ears on the 21st day, 40th day, 3rd or 5th year for females along with puja.
14. Shaving Head (Mudhana)
Shave head to improve circulation in the head and to increase hair. Done for both genders before 1 year of age, approximately at 11 months old.
15. After 1 Month Post Partum:
Matra Basti with Special Matra Basti – 30ml 1x/week as prescribed. (NOT in the case of c-section)
16. Ayurvedic Immunisation (continued)
Once finished the Swarna Prasa, you can administer Pusya Drops to the baby once a month until young teenage years.
Post-Natal Diet for Mum
- The two most important foods for mum to balance the vata are ghee and garlic.
- Purify Garlic – remove inner green sprout and fry in ghee, then use in cooking.
- Ojas increasing foods like hot milk, dates, coconut, warmed cooked fresh foods.
- Cumin seeds and fennel seeds. Ajwain seeds if C-section occurred.
- Avoid pulses and legumes until umbilical cord is fully cut, and until C-section wound is healed.
- Avoid potato and eggplant early on in post natal.

Lactation Increasing Foods
- Fenugreek, jaggery laddhus, wheat (oats), grapes/grape juice.
- Fenugreek tea – 2 tsp fenugreek seeds, soak overnight (always soak fenugreek). Next morning boil in 2 cups of water, reduce to half and drink. – Improves child’s immunity, quality of breast milk and pancreas. Drink tea 3x a day.

Postpartum recipe cook book by Vital Veda coming soon!
Baby Food Introduction
Introducing food to a baby is essential to develop a balanced digestion and diet of the future. We teach how to adjust the tastes provided to prevent digestion disorders, cravings and intolerances from developing. Introduce at 5 months and 5 days or 6 months and 6 days.
Read our full Food Introduction Plan HERE.
C-Section Procedures
- All similar. Essential to take Balant Kadha (Post Natal Tonic)
- Hug skin-to-skin contact to regulate breathing, blood sugar, heart rate, and to exchange micro-biome.
- Vaginal Swab – swab mum’s vagina and place in babies mouth or place on nipples for baby to suck and get micro-biome.
- Sew up mum while she is doing all these things.
- Avoid Parisheks for mum.
- Supplements may be required to replenish vitamins and minerals.
Gratitude to Vaidya Padma Nayani Raju for most of this knowledge.
Disclaimer: All these information is just for informative purposes. Consult your doctor before trying any of these.
- For more information and tips pre, during and post pregnancy contact us.
- These herbs have no known drug interaction.
- These products and recommendations are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.