Aloe Vera: Benefits & Uses of The Hero Herb | Dr. Michael Hayley #047
Listen on iTunes / Apple Podcast App Listen on Andriod Listen on Spotify Aloe Vera: A juicy medicinal succulent that you can implement into your diet and/or your herbal regimen. Quality & Pure Aloe Vera Products Aloe Vera Products by Hayley Nutrition: (Juice, cosmetics, plant) – Discount code: VITALVEDA About Our Guest: Dr. Michael Hayley Helping people discover the health-promoting benefits of pure, raw Aloe vera is more than a job; it is Dr. Haley’s mission and vision. Dr. Haley’s health principles are based on science, tradition, and in line with the scriptures. Dr. Haley owns and operates Stockton Aloe 1, makers and distributors of pure aloe vera drinks and personal care products. He also maintains his private chiropractic practice in Florida. Dr. Haley is an expert on phyto-nutrition and superfoods and teaches in the area of organic chemistry and nutrition. He focuses on a deeper understanding of Aloe’s potential use in a variety of health and wellness needs. IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: Michael using Aloe Vera to mitigate a huge rope burn from sailing The Ayurvedic Wisdom on Aloe Vera Aloe vera has several ayurvedic uses & beneifts. The name for Aloe Vera in Sanskrit is “Kumari” – meaning “young maiden”, which reveals its affinity for the female menstrual cycle and its rejuvenating powers for maintaining youthfulness, particularly for women. Ayurvedic Energetics of Aloe Vera Rasa (taste) – bitter, sweet, Virya (energy) – cold Vipaka (post-digestive effect) – sweet Gunas (qualities) – guru (heavy), snigdha (unctuous), picheela (slimy). Doshas: VPK – (as the gel and juice); dried gum powder (kala bola) aggravates V It is considered to be a special herb because it has an affinity for all 7 dhatus, and regulates all three doshas. HEALTH BENEFITS OF ALOE VERA Female Hormones and Menstrual Health & Aloe Vera The gel and juice are helpful when there is excess bleeding or clots. Kumari purifies the liver which directly affects raktavaha srotas (blood channels) and the flow of pitta in the blood. This blood cleansing effect also affect the artava srotas, the menstrual channel, as it is responsible for regulating the uterus. Helps promote the onset of menstruation (Artavajanana). It is rejuvenate and building for the female reproductive system. Its cooling and unctuous properties make it very effective for treating the hot and dry symptoms of menopause (source: Bhavaprakasa). Kumāri āsava – A classical Ayurvedic formulations great for gynaecological conditions. Digestion & Aloe Vera As it is a cooling and demulcent herb that directly clears pitta and heals mucous membranes it is a specific for hyperacidity, acid reflux, peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, IBS, IBD, Chron’s, GERD and any bleeding from the intestines. It reduce the inflammation in the gut. A lot of people are discovering Aloe Vera because they are on anti-acid medications such as Protein Pump Inhibitors (PPIs), which can burden one with with adverse and addictive effects. Very helpful in conditions with bleeding stools. Aloe Vera also contains digestive enzymes. It stimulates peristalsis. Microbiome & Aloe Vera Aloe Vera can help regulate bacteria levels in the intestines indicates use in Candida albicans and as a remedy for improving gastric and intestinal function. (Source: Bland 1985, Murray 1992, Bone 2003). Aloe can help cool and accelerate healing in leaky gut. A certain fibre in Aloe Vera promotes micro-biome health. Kala Bol (Ayurvedic Laxative Preparation Using Aloe Vera) The solid gum obtained after boiling the whole aloe leaf juice. It is a strong purgative. Becomes a black thick paste after boiling like guggulu. Boil on coal for some consistency, then low flame for some consistency, then on heat for some consistency. Put in thermal in cow dung cakes. Use short term and always consult an Ayurvedic practitioner. Aloe Vera for Liver Health Jaundice. Viral hepatitis. Reduces inflammation in the spleen and liver (plihayakrdvrdhhihara). Aloe Vera for Blood Sugar and Diabetes Inner part of the gel promotes liver to release bile. Aloe Vera can help to regulate blood sugar in diabetics and lipid levels in hyper-triglyceridaemia. (Plaskett 1996). This may be because Aloe Vera Gel promotes the liver to stimulate bile release. Malose, the sugar molecules in Aloe Vera lowers and stabilises blood sugar levels. Skin Health and Aloe Vera Helpful in eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, shingles, acne, and other ailments. The gel contains polysaccharides that are specifically healing for the skin and mucous membranes (Murray 1992). It has an affinity for bhrajaka pitta and enhances the quality of the skin; used topically to treat psoriasis, ulcers, eczema, dermatitis and mouth ulcers. One of the best Ayurvedic herbs for healing burns, scars, wounds and stretch marks. Good internally for hot, inflamed condition; eczema, hives, ulcers, acne. Face-lift action and anti-ageing. Helpful for dark and white spots. Granti (helps removes tumours), Cancer and Aloe Vera Acemannan – acemannan causes macrophages to secrete more tumour necrosis (death to) factor. Aloe Vera for Eye Health Netra rogaghana – “destroys” eye diseases according to Ayurveda. Applied topically it is very soothing for eye inflammation and eyelid swelling. Vishpota – removes pustules. Visa hará – reduces and pacifies poison. Aloe Vera for Animals and Pets The increased use of Aloe Vera in veterinary clinics. Horses are using it for digestion – demonstrated by the calmness of the horses and improved bowel motions. Different Parts of the Aloe Vera Plant The inner gel part of the leaf is different to the rest of the plant. This is a much safer part of the plant to ingest, potentially in your daily diet. This is 95-97% water plus a balance of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, photo-chemicals, acemannan a D-isomer mucopolysaccharide The outer sap has an irritation and laxative effect. This part of the leaf tastes very bitter. This has a strong laxative effective. You need to be cautious with amounts to take. The is what is used for kala bol Ayurvedic strong laxative preparation. Whole leaf gel is also available, which includes both of those components. Other Forms of Aloe Vera kala bol. Arogyavarhini vati and kaishore guggulu are two other Ayurvedic preparations that contains Kumari. How to Take Aloe Vera Honouring your digestive power and fire (agni). Mix with ginger, turmeric, cumin to make easier to digest. Blend (slow speed) to make a drink. Cut it up and use on food. Various Species of Aloe Vera There are over 250 species. Common species to